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Saturday, June 1, 2019

Johnson's donate to Garden City Library

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY,Utah.  May 2019.   At the beginning of the Town Council Meeting, there was an opportunity to introduce  Jason and Jill Johnson and thank them for their generosity to the Garden City Library.

Rhonda Menlove has been serving on the Garden City Library Board.  She noted that the library needed assistance with technology resources in order to support the library operations and provide adequate resources for patrons.  The current library technology tools, including computers, needed to be replace and enhanced to ensure that the library maximizes its capacity to serve the community and patrons well now and in the future.  

There was also a need for a state-of-the-art videoconferencing system to provide connection to resources and persons outside of Garden City.   Menlove was contacted by a young couple, Jason and Jill Johnson, who have two small children.  They asked if they could help the library by giving a donation to the Garden City Library.  They donated the sum of $8,237.12 to the library.  Some of the items that will be purchased are listed below.

            Five patron computers and monitors

            Two staff computers

            Updated software to be purchased for all computers

A laptop computer to be purchased to support the new senior services program and for use in the video conference room

A portable tablet computer to be used as a catalog for books and media materials

A Conference Room Videoconferencing System

Thank your Johnson Family for your support and help.  You are greatly appreciated.


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