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Saturday, August 24, 2019

Garden City Council Meeting

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah. August 8, 2019. The meeting was called to order.  Mayor Leonhardt noted that with a new Council Member, he thought that Council Member Assignments should be changed.  He requested that Pat Argyle continue to work with the parks, beach font, and City Beautification.  Howard Pope was asked to continue to work on trails, bike path, P&Z, as well as short-term rental licenses.  Jordon Perry was asked to take care of the pool, the Board of Adjustments, and the Appeals Board.  Ken Hansen was asked to work with the library and the water system.  The Mayor will work with roads and technology.

There were five new short-term rental licenses that had been requested as follows:
Owner                                  Address                                      Property Management Company
Nate and Brooke Mueller    539 W. Raspberry Patch Road   Boat House, LLC
MMFH, LLC                        285 W Seasons Ln #6                Let’s Get Away Properties
Matt Nielson                         289 W Seasons Ln #8                Let’s Get Away Properties
Nate Parry                             589 S Amber Lane                    Legacy Beach Lodgings, LLC
Tamara & Andrew Myers     948 S Snowmeadows                Tamara & Andrew Myers

The motion was made and passed to grant the above short-term rentals their license request.  The motion carried.

Joey Stocking and Mike Weibel, Bear River Health Department, discussed with the City Council about creating an organization for volunteer individuals.  Most of the firemen in our area are volunteers.  Bear River Health Department is also made up of many volunteers.  It was suggested that an organization be used to combine these two groups so that when accidents or problems arise, both types of individuals would be on site.  Those with medical training would be available as well as those who can handle fires and other situations.  There are currently about 20 volunteers in Rich County. There are about ten vehicles also available in the area. 

There are a variety of training opportunities and public classes.  Training and preparedness are important.  Each town in the County could begin to take advantage of these classes and training opportunities to become more efficient and ready to handle problems that arise.

The City Council thought it was a good idea and thanked these two individuals for coming and expressing their ideas and plans.  It was noted that Weibel would be the health coordinator and Mike Wahlberg would be over the fire area.   Stocking would work under Weibel in Rich County.

A request was made from Mark and Kathy Hislop for termination of encumbrance agreement and covenant to run with the land for Parcel #41-16-030-001 and 41-17-020 0007.  The motion was made and passed to terminate the encumbrance agreement.
Councilperson Pat Argyle was thanked for handling Raspberry Days and for doing such a great job.  Argyle noted that she has already started to work on this activity for next year.  She could always use more help and hopes that she can get more volunteers to help next year.

Argyle reported that there are not enough garbage cans at the nightly rental locations.  People need to be more aware of garbage and how many cans are really needed.  She also said how glad she was the City made the bike path.  It is used constantly.

Councilperson Howard Pope noted that the pool has major issues.  Richard Monk, pool director, needs to pay more to get water tested more frequently.  There should be some policies and procedures that are written to help him take care of the pool.  Pope suggested that perhaps  Monk be asked to report to a Council Member daily.  He also noted that Glen Gillies also does a lot of maintenance on the pool.  He is doing a good job.

Trails need a lot of work.  Up on the top of Logan Canyon there is not enough parking. Something needs to be done.  This is a real problem.  It will get worse because the State recommended that big trucks be required to pull off the road at the top and make sure their brakes are working properly.  That will even make the parking area more difficult.   It might be possible to create another parking area and allow cars to stop and drop of their people and then move their car to the parking area.  Some changes are needed there.

Hodges Canyon has a very nice parking lot, Pope said.  However, the road up above where people turn to go up Sweetwater Hill is in very bad shape.  It shouldn’t be open to the public until the road is repaired.  Foothill Estates trail also needs repair.  Richardson’s trail is in pretty good shape. 

Mayor Leonhard noted that the state is getting the two crosswalks ready this fall.  There will be one between First West by the post office and going South by Cam Jarman’s Physical Therapy Building.  The other cross walk will be across Bear Lake Blvd. from LaBeau’s going east to the parking lot on the east side of the road 

There is going to be a traffic light at the intersection of Bear Lake Blvd. with Logan Road.  However, that will probably not be completed until next summer.  There will also be two new turning lanes put in next spring.  One will be by Harbor Village and the Marina and one by the KOA.

The request has been made to get the legislature to help the City continue Third West Road from Buttercup to Hodges Canyon.

KSL gave Kathy Hislop a High Five for her good work.  She goes above and beyond what is necessary.  She was thanked for her great work.

More people are using electric cars.  It was noted that there should be some charging stations here in Garden City.  Rocky Mountain Power will be responsible for this project.

It is time for the City to write up a TRT grant to submit to the County.  That money will become available soon.

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