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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Garden City Council reports

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah. November 21, 2019. Councilwoman Pat Argyle noted that there needs to be more activities for people in the area.  She thought it might be good to bring in an artist who could teach people how to learn how to paint.   It could be a class that could be held for an hour or two for perhaps four to six weeks.

Argyle reported that the tables that were ordered for Heritage Park have arrived.  The are 8’ long and made of a strong metal. 

She also asked that people be made aware that help is needed for Raspberry Days for next summer.  Please, if you are interested or would like to help, contact her.  

Councilman Ken Hansen felt that the community members need to be more aware of what is happening in the City so that they can take advantage of what is being offered.  He said that the City should have an electronic marquee on the side of the road with a list of things that are taking place where and when.

Councilman Howard Pope reported that the trails need work.  Several individuals worked for a full day on the trail and still there was more work that needed to be done.  Since UDOT has taken more of the area at the top of the canyon for stopping trucks, there isn’t much room for parking for people interested in walking into the forest or Garden City Canyon.  There needs to be more parking space in that area. Trails are important and need to be taken care of to keep people safe.

It was also noted that there needs to be a wind fence by the tunnel before the overpass at the top of the Canyon.  There could be some real problems there if something isn’t done, Pope said. 

Councilman Jordan Perry said that the swimming pool is now undergoing a good uplift.  The area is painted blue.  The rust places are taken care of.  

New policies have been written for Aquatics Director Richard Monk to follow to keep things clean.  Black striped lanes have been painted on the bottom of the pool so people can race with each other.  Perry felt that there needs to be back up equipment for most of the equipment used in the pool area.  That would help tremendously when problems occur.  

The pool will be open on November 25 with a grand reopening with free swimming. 

Hansen noted that the water system is doing fine.  The have gotten two tanks connected into the water line.  He said that the people working on the water project need to be especially careful when they connect lines on the corner by the Old Booth House.  He said the pressure that will be there when the connection is made and will be tremendous and needs to be handled professionally and carefully.

The library had its new grand opening.  All the new technology has been installed.  Workers in the Library need to be noted for the good work that they are doing.

Mark Smoot, one of the members of the Chamber of Commerce said the Chamber of Commerce is doing good things, and the Council said that the Chamber is greatly appreciated with what they do in and for the community.

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