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Monday, January 20, 2020

Let your light so shine....

Rich County lost a lovely light this week with the passing of Dorothy Stringham at 95.  She was so much a part of the Bear Lake experience that it is hard to imagine that she isn't still here.  She was a beautiful, smiling and funny person
who was also a  gentle, lady-like woman who inspired us all.

Dorothy improved where she lived.  She was part of the original group over 40 years ago who started the fledgling library in the backroom of the old store which has now become our beautiful library.  She tended her roses and visited with people who stopped to admire them.  She was always supportive of good causes and as she got older, she became a resource for the seniors in the area and seemed as young as a teenager when helping them.

 Her "Dorothy Hugs" at church gave everyone a warm feeling for the week.  Even grown men looked for a hug.  One had to ask for a hug, and she would laughingly give it.  Her bravery and courage in the face of losing her son Dave to cancer inspired us.  I cannot remember her without a smile.

We will miss you dear Dorothy.

1 comment:

BearLakeGramma said...

I will miss her...and I don't even live there anymore. What a great Spirit going on to bless other lives!