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Monday, February 24, 2020

Garden City Council Member Reports

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah. February 23, 2020.  Councilman Jordan Parry noted that the bathrooms in the swimming pool have been remodeled and are very nice.  A lot of things at the pool have been updated, the pump is clean, the hot tub is working well, there are new covers for areas needed and a new system for the chemicals in the pool has been installed.  The ceiling has been painted.  Currently, all of the staff members are pleased with the better environment there and are trying harder to also do a better job as well.  Each employee is required to write up a report each week and include what they have done and what has been happening at the pool.

Councilman Ken Hansen reported that the staff in the library are doing a super job.  They are currently working to create some classes and programs that will use all of the new equipment that has been placed in the library.

The Youth Council held their first meeting.  They are planning all kinds of youth activities.  There will be at least one youth activity each month.  The age group for the youth range from 14 and up.  Those on the Youth Council are excited and are looking for things to do.  If anyone in the community needs help or can give suggestions, it will be appreciated.  Hopefully, the youth will also be given the opportunity to see how our government works, various kinds of taxes and why they exist, legislature sessions, budgets, fiscal responsibility and so forth.

Councilman Howard Pope said that the community should have more mingling together.  Socials, more neighbor interaction etc. make for good neighbors. 

Pope said that he will get in touch with Ted Wilson to make sure people can go all the way up Hodges Canyon to the top.  The City has a water contract with Wilson and the dedicated trail does go through his property. 

The state funds are available in the amount of $30,000 to $40,000 that can be used to improve trails.  There is also money from the forest to fence trails to the forest, and easements can be signed and agreed upon with the forest.

Councilwoman Pat Argyle noted that Heritage Park needs more sod brought in.  She has already started working on Raspberry Days.  Heritage Parks is a public park and should be treated the same as the City Park on Bear Lake Blvd.  The stage will be used for two or three concerts this coming summer.  The idea of a weekly movie night is being considered.  The stage can also be used for city events.

Ken Hansen suggested that some kind of a sign be placed on the stage at the park.  It might say something like “Please do not play on the stage.”  This should help keep children from climbing and playing there.

Mayor Mike Leonhardt noted that property adjacent to Heritage Park has been purchased by the City. 

It was suggested that the bike path be extended all the way along Third West.  The City also has an easement for a road down to First West that will be used in the future.

The State has decided to build a road into the Marina.  The turning lane will be lengthened into the Marina and a turn lane will be added to allow people to turn into the KOA.  It will not interfere with the bike path in that area.

It looks like next year in the spring that UDOT will be making a truck emergency ramp off Logan road close to the storage sheds and service station.

A traffic light at Bear Lake Blvd. and Logan Road is going to be installed. It should allow a smoother flow of traffic in that area.  Hopefully, cars won’t be backed up to the KOA and even as far back as the Marina.  It was noted that putting the wires etc underground instead of trying to put in more tall poles would really create a nicer and easier intersection.  Howard Pope said he would talk with the UDOT to see if that could be possible.

Jennie Willis was asked if the City could put a tall Christmas Tree in that area below the Logan Road.  She said it would be a good thing and encouraged the City to do that.

The question was asked how the City decides what a home is and what is a hotel.  Parking is becoming a real problem in some areas as a result of not only cars, but all of the trailers, boats, snowmobiles, etc. that are being brought into the area.  The City needs to do something that requires enough parking to handle what is happening in several areas of the City.

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