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Monday, March 16, 2020


Stormy Waters Bring Out The Best.
Many people in Rich County are staying home, sheltering in  place to avoid the COVID 19 flu which has been called by the World Health Organization a pandemic.  Experts have suggested that doing that will flatten the curve of contagion and make it possible for local hospitals and medical personnel to handle the more difficult cases and not be overwhelmed.

Most of us will get the flu and most will have no problem recovering, this wave of contagion will  pass and by next year we probably will have a vaccine or medications, but  as we  follow the instructions of the CDC (Center of Disease Control) we will be able to manage it this year.

I have been so impressed watching friends, neighbors and newcomers all volunteering supplies, moral support, jokes and good advice.  There has been a community wide effort to look after each other.

People have often remarked that our County is a place with a spirit of community and love that is not found in the same way any where else.  It is a magical space.  We appreciate those who must be out working to  keep our public safety and public
works going.  We appreciate stores and restaurants which are open for our benefit.  We appreciate those who  are staying home to keep  the virus from expanding. 

The sense of community love is wonderful.


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