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Monday, May 11, 2020

Jail cleaning

RANDOLPH, Utah. May 6, 2020.  Gail Nichol , Rich County Sheriff, said that she is the dispatcher, deputy, jailer and secretary.  So every day is full of tasks, the priority being dispatch.  In order to keep certification  for 911, the call must be answered within two seconds.  The dispatcher needs to be in the chair listening for calls.  However,  jail and office cleaning is currently included in the dispatcher tasks. 

Nichol said that there was an incident last year, that if she had been vacuuming or cleaning a bathroom she would not have heard the noise that made her check the jail and save a life. 

She said that a professional cleaner for the Sheriff’s office  is needed.  “We do not have time from 911 and dispatch, and taking care of inmates to clean.” Nichol said. 

The deputies cannot clean the way a professional cleaner can.   It is needed two times a week. Commissioner Bill Cox pointed out that for 30 years the jail employees have cleaned the jail.  “It should be part of your job.”

Aggravated, Cox said that if he were Sheriff he would assign deputies a cleaning schedule.  Nichol replied that it was neither her job nor another deputy’s job.  She pointed out that the rest of the building is cleaned by a professional staff.

Cox said that the County would hire someone to clean.  

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