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Sunday, October 25, 2020

Reflections on the Journey

Ed Note:  Introducing a new columnist for RCTonline.  Leslie struggles with brain chemistry issues and is sharing her amazing journey as a wonderful wife, mother, friend and colleague.

By Leslie Scott

So....I just got the call!

The one I've been waiting 2 weeks for!

Blood test results are back! Hallelujah! Let's get things rolling! I'm ready. Free at last, free at last!

And then the words I never expected to hear....."Everything looks fine......"

Excuse me, what!? Everything is not fine! I am CLEARLY not fine!

I never thought I would be upset at great test results, but here I am, in tears, wishing the diagnosis had been different. What is wrong with me?

Why couldn't there just be an easy answer? Why can't I just be done with this? I am so over it.  As I sit here and cry, in the corner of my living room, I am reminded of these words by one of my favorite men ever, "It is your REACTION to the ADVERSITY, not the adversity itself, that DETERMINES how your LIFE'S STORY will develop." -Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Oh man! And once again, I am humbled by a loving Heavenly Father whose trying to teach me that I'm not going through this for an easy way out. That my life's story is still being written. And I get to choose what my reaction will be.

So, even though it's hard, I will gather myself together, take two steps back, and then start again. At square one. Because there has to be an answer. And I'm not done putting in the effort to figure it out.

Tomorrow is a new day....and I will greet it like I have all the others. One Day At A Time!


Unknown said...

You are an inspiration to me Leslie Scott. I will pray for you from California. God bless.

Sammy Coray

Leslie said...

Thank you! I will take all the prayers you have to give.