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Saturday, October 3, 2020

Pickleville Philosophy

By Jim Stone

Hi you guys.  My dogs are thinking about maybe just staying on this adventure forever. It rains so much here in southeast Alaska. It’s pretty rare to even see the sun.  We’ve been trying to sit and watch the few sunsets while the sun goes down. 

Sunsets are magical. Sunsets have always been the end to a day with a sunrise and new day coming soon.  Speaking for myself, when I’m blest to witness the sun setting, it brings me a deep feeling of being grateful for even the smallest of things that a lot of times are simply taken for granted in life. probably the big one is all of our health which can change faster than a single heartbeat.  I’m thankful to be here with my best friends, my dogs.  I’m thankful for having an opportunity to harvest wild game and berries to nourish and strengthen my body.  I’m thankful for having a roof over my head with a place to sleep and be safe.  Another big one is that I’m thankful for friends and people that love and care about our wellbeing and happiness.  

There are so many things we all can be thankful for.  When we look at what's going on in this crazy world there are so many people who have nothing. There are people who don’t have full bellies or a safe place to sleep.  There are people who are battling health problems, addictions, mental issues. Plus many more things that if we don’t go through them ourselves we might never understand. I was starting to complain about living in my truck for the last two months having to catch or gather my own food and cooking it on the tailgate of the truck in a rainstorm, but watching the sunset seeing how blest and beautiful it is to just be able to still do things like that, it made me ashamed of myself for even thinking of complaining.

As I sit here beginning this new day it's pouring rain while I’m writing this story to share my thoughts with all of you guys.  I’d love to hear the things you guys are thankful for.

Oh my goodness! here comes another rain storm of big smiles from  all of us dogs to all of you guys. Stay safe.

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