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Sunday, October 18, 2020

Rich County Commission Meeting

Anita Weston, Reporter

Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah.  October 7, 2020.   Developer Norm Mecham told the Commissions that he needed to amend his plat.  He said that there were some changes, but they were not a problem.  He said that one person had added a shop to the garage, but that all of the people in the area said it was okay.  He noted that he will have to go back to Planning and Zoning as well to make sure they will be aware and will also approve the change.

The motion was made and passed to allow the changes that Mecham had noted. 

There is also a change in the subdivision near the Sweetwater Park Golf Course. The motion was made and approved with this amendment allowing further development there. 

Brian Carver, Bear River Association of Governments, said that he has been given Coronavirus Relief Funds, and he feels these funds should be given to the County.  He noted that the Commissioners could determine what activities could be used to utilize these funds. 

He said that all the funds need to be used and the deadline for their use is getting close.  The Commissioners could shift the funds into other areas such as helping with the economic impact in the summer in the Bear Lake Area.  Also, they could make some small grants that could help businesses that need assistance. There are a lot of small businesses that have some really slow times or even have to close their businesses during the winter but do well during the summer and  fall. 

The cities in the County receive a Profit and Loss Report each quarter, and the cities report back to County.  Their first report has been submitted that covers March to June.  The second report will be submitted soon.  The March to June time for businesses is a time period when businesses are low.  The businesses could use the money during that time.  

Tami Leonhardt,  Director, Bear Lake Convention and Visitors Bureau, said small grant applications have been submitted and reviewed.  The cities in the County along with other organizations that work to enhance the area are the ones asking for these funds.  The total amount available was $719,872.80 which has been given to those who requested these funds.

It was noted that under the capital inventory, there is a need to upgrade the Sanitation Department.   There are care funds currently made available.  There is still time for the Sanitation Department as well as the cities who can claim the full amount of $98,000 if they apply soon.  There are other areas such as the school district, which needs $30,000, and the health department which needs $50,000 for heart monitors.  It was suggested that the mayors in each town be contacted letting them know right now there aren’t sufficient requests being made for that money.  The requests need to be in by the first of December. 

It was decided that the County get a list of the business licenses and send postcards to each of them. 

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