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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Eighteen Wheeler Philosophy

Random thoughts of a Bucket Ass Truck Driver.
By Mel Hansen

 “I have to figure out what I want in life?  Whether to be happy!... or to be right!?”

The above quote comes from a book of crime fiction I’m currently listening to.

I try to learn something from everything I listen/read, be it factual or fiction. This little saying from the book really caught my attention, so much so that I turned off the book and thought about it for the biggest part of the afternoon.

Here’s what I’ve come up with...left alone with my own thought process.

I guess some people find happiness in being right...or in being “perceived” by others to be so, by sharing/showing them their “perceived” intellect. I think we all, at times, like to think/know we are right and everyone else should bow to our intelligence/opinions.  Especially since “we” are the “only ones” with sense/education enough to ”Throughly research the subject being discussed at the time. A highly educated person in a professional career can and is disputed by another highly educated person in the same career all the time. For me, being “right” in the human scheme of things is largely a matter of opinion/belief. It’s the same as someone being labeled beautiful, it’s all in the mind/eye of the individual/beholder.

I’m not slamming education. It’s extremely important! Are we seeking knowledge to be “right” and praise of others to fuel egos?  Or are we seeking knowledge in the pursuit of personal “happiness” and sharing it with others so they too can find happiness in learning?

I know I’m going to try harder to spend more time in finding happiness...rather than spending time in being perceived as being right.

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