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Monday, January 17, 2022

Laketown Town Council Agenda January 19, 2022

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Laketown Town Council will hold a work meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday January 19, 2022 in the Laketown Town Office located at 10 North 200 East Laketown, Utah.


1. Call to Order – Mayor Burdette Weston 

2. Opening Ceremony – TBD 

3. Roll Call 

4. Approval of Agenda 5

5. QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FOR MAYOR AND COUNCIL: Any person wishing to comment on any item not otherwise on the agenda may address the town council at this point by addressing the mayor and town council and giving his or her name and address for the record. Comments should be limited to not more than three (3) minutes, unless additional time is authorized by the mayor. Citizen groups will be asked to appoint a spokesperson. This is the time and place for any person who wishes to comment on non-agenda items. Some items brought forward to the attention of the town council will be turned over to the clerk to provide a response outside of the town council meeting. 


7. REVIEW ACTION ITEMS FOR FEBRUARY 2, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Ordinance 2021-21 7-1-A Zoning and roads map established, B Land for future roads shall be dedicated to the town, C Future roads shall be developed and D Setbacks are required for current and future roads and Zoning and Roads Map – Consideration to amend the public ways and property of Laketown code Title 7 Chapter 1 Streets, Sidewalks and Public ways Section 1 Scope adding paragraph A Zoning and Roads Map established including current and future roads, paragraph B Land for future roads shall be dedicated to the town, paragraph C Future roads shall be developed and paragraph D Setbacks are required for current and future roads. B. Ordinance 2021-22 7-1-E Standards for roads and streets improvements – Consideration to amend the public ways and property of Laketown code Title 7 Chapter 1 Streets, Sidewalks and Public Ways Section 1 Scope adding paragraph E Standards for roads and streets improvements. C. Ordinance 2021-23 11-5-1-D2 Subdivision Street Improvements – Consideration to amend the subdivision regulations of Laketown Code Title 11 Chapter 5 Improvements Section 1 Paragraph D2 Street improvements and standards of improvements. D. Ordinance 2021-06 1-15 Personal Use of Entity Assets Policy – Consideration to amend the town code by adding written personal use of entity assets policy as outlined in the state auditor’s fraud risk assessment. 

8. WORKSHOP ITEMS: A. Subdivision Ordinances – Mayor Burdette Weston B. Subdivisions and lot splits – Councilmember Dallas Clark C. Second Water System Operator – Mayor Burdette Weston D. Letter for second water source exception request – Mayor Burdette Weston E. County Master Plan Steering Committee documents – Councilmember Dallas Clark 

9. WORKSHOP ORDINANCES A. CODE AMENDMENT: LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONE CONVERTED TO COMMERCIAL ZONE – The town council decided to absorb the light industrial zone into the commercial zone and the council requested recommendations from the planning and zoning commission. Ordinance 2021-11 – Mayor Burdette Weston B. CODE AMENDMENT: IT AND COMPUTER SECURITY POLICY – Consideration to amend the town code by adding written IT and computer security policy as outlined in the state auditor’s fraud risk assessment – Ordinance 2021-07 – Mayor Burdette Weston C. CODE AMENDMENT: MOBILE HOME PARKS IN TOWN CODE – Changes needed were discussed in the April 13, 2021 town council work meeting and the council requested recommendations from the planning and zoning commission. Ordinance 2021-16 – Councilmember Delora Wight D. CODE AMENDMENT: STORAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES IN TOWN CODE – Changes needed were discussed in the April 13, 2021 town council work meeting and the council requested recommendations from the planning and zoning commission. Ordinance 2021-09 – Mayor Burdette Weston E. CODE AMENDMENT: REAR SET BACK IN COMMERCIAL ZONE ESTABLISHED – The town council desires a rear set back in the commercial zone and requested recommendations from the planning and zoning commission. Ordinance 2021-13 – Mayor Burdette Weston F. CODE AMENDMENT: DEFINITIONS OF AN IMPROVED ROAD AND A BUILDABLE LOT – The definitions of an improved road and buildable lot need clarified in our town code. The town council requested recommendations from the planning and zoning commission. Ordinance 2021-12 – Councilmember Dallas Clark G. CODE AMENDMENT: RESIDENTIAL BUILDING IN COMMERCIAL ZONE SHALL FOLLOW RESIDENTIAL SETBACKS. Ordinance 2021-19 – Mayor Burdette Weston H. CODE AMENDMENT: UTILITY SERVICE POLICY – The town council has established a space for utility services and desires to establish a policy for the space and for service providers including how many of each type we want in our space. The town council requested recommendations from the planning and zoning commission. – Mayor Burdette Weston I. CODE AMENDMENT: SUBDIVISION FEES – The planning and zoning commission desires to include subdivision fees in the subdivision section of the town code 11-3-7. – Ordinance 2021-24 – Mayor Burdette Weston J. CODE AMENDMENT: WATER SHARES AND/OR WATER RIGHTS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH NEW WATER CONNECTIONS 8-1-8-B3 All new water connections shall provide to the town water shares and/or water rights. The land owner/builder shall provide to the town water shares and/or water rights that are free, clear and uncontested in the amount proportional to the size of the building and lot as determined by the town’s engineer. Both the cost of the evaluation and the amount of water rights to transfer must be borne by the developer and the town’s attorney shall bill the developer for an evaluation of the free, clear and uncontested water right being proposed. – Ordinance 2021-25 – Mayor Burdette Weston K. CODE AMENDMENT: NEW WATER SERVICE APPLICATION – The town has a new application for new water service/meter to insert in the town code 8-1-2A Application for connection, service. – Ordinance 2021-26 – Mayor Burdette Weston L. CODE AMENDMENT: WATER SERVICE CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP AND/OR BILLING ADDRESS APPLICATION – The town has a new application for water service change of ownership and/or billing address to insert in the town code 8-1-2C Application for water service. – Ordinance 2021-27 – Mayor Burdette Weston M.ARPA FUNDS – Plan how to spend ARPA Funds. – Mayor Burdette Weston N. CODE AMENDMENT: FEE SCHEDULE UPDATE – Update fee schedule to include all fees. – Resolution 2021-04 O. CODE AMENDMENT: TRANSIENT MERCHANT BUSINESS LICENSE FEE AND POLICY UPDATE 3-2 – Update transient merchant business license fee and create policy in town code 3-2 and include fee on fee schedule and on business license application. – Ordinance 2021-28 – Mayor Burdette Weston P. CODE AMENDMENT: AGRITOURISM – Consideration of the request made by Brandon Willis in the October 6, 2021, town council meeting to do one of the following: 1. Change the town code Title 10 Chapter 2 definition of agriculture to include agritourism; 2. Rezone all or part of 800 North to commercial; 3. Allow a variance; 4. Extend the commercial zone from 500 to 1000 feet; in consideration of a barn that he wishes to build on his property to use for receptions, office space and other business. – Ordinance 2022-01 Councilmember Eldon Robinson 

10. EXECUTIVE SESSION (if needed) 

11. ADJOURN NOTE: The Town Council may vote to go into executive session pursuant to Utah Code 52-4-205 On Friday, January 14, 2022 at 12:45 p.m. a copy of the foregoing notice was posted on the Utah Public Notice website at and on the Laketown website at A copy was posted in conspicuous view inside and outside the Laketown Town Office in Laketown, Utah, and inside and outside of the Laketown post office and at Dee’s Service Station. DATED THIS 14th day of January, 2022 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this public hearing should notify the Laketown Town Office at (435) 946-9000, 10 North 200 East, Laketown, Utah, on Monday through Wednesday at least three working days prior to the public hearing. The office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Individuals with speech and/or hearing impairments may call the Relay Utah by dialing 711. Spanish Relay Utah 1-888-346-3162. Amber Droesbeke, Clerk

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