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Sunday, April 24, 2022

Commissioner's Corner


I had the privilege on Saturday to go to the State Republican Convention and represent our county as a delegate. It was an all-day commitment, and as I sat there with other delegates from Rich County, I was reminded how much I love our country and our amazing Constitution. As messy as it can be, I also love the election process and all it represents. The founders of our nation, at great personal sacrifice, laid a foundation of freedom and choice that we often take for granted, but that is actually quite incredible!


We have watched in shock and sadness in recent months as the horrors of war have unfolded in Ukraine. We have seen their freedoms and their very lives come under attack. It has reminded us how fragile liberty can be, and how grateful we should feel to live in this Land of the Free. There are many challenges in our beloved USA right now; things that need to be addressed and changed. We can choose anger, contempt, contention, or even fear. We can rant, and shout, and forget civility. Or we can choose hope and gratitude, and do small things to make a difference in our own circles of influence. That is what I desire to continue to do. It’s an honor to serve each of you as your County Commissioner.  I would appreciate your support in the Primary Election on June 28th.  Please feel free to call, text, or email me anytime at 435-757-8248 or

(Photos from our own Pam Cornia and from KUTV)

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