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Sunday, May 22, 2022

Commissioner's Corner- By Bill Cox

72% of Rich County is Public Lands, controlled by the State and Federal Government, which means the majority of our county land is used for multiple purposes at once (multiple use), including transportation (public access), timber management, watershed restoration, fire protection, grazing, wildlife habitat, mineral leases, and recreation. The use of public lands is under attack, and is a huge issue in our county. This crucial topic must be addressed, balanced, protected, and defended! I was appointed by Deb Haaland, the US Secretary of the Department of Interior, to represent all the counties of Utah on the Bureau of Land Management Resource Advisory Committee. The committee reviews all Utah’s multiple use Resource Management Plans for all our public lands. This gives me the unique opportunity to advocate for the use of public lands within Rich County as well as the rest of the state.
I am also involved in other important public land issues, such as maintaining and keeping roads open to the public, grazing management (i.e. the Three Creeks Allotment Consolidation Project), mineral leasing, timber harvesting, and water rights. There is still much work to be done and I am looking forward to seeing these plans implemented, which will provide our future generations with opportunities to use and enjoy our public lands for years to come. 
I will continue to fight for our rights to access and use public land. I would appreciate your support in the Republican Primary Election on June 28th. Please feel free to contact me at 435-757-8248.

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