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Sunday, June 12, 2022

Commissioner's Corner-Bill Cox


Let’s talk about taxes! I recently had several people reach out to me with questions about some of the county projects I have been posting about, where I said they were funded without using tax dollars. Let’s clarify that when I was discussing the millions of dollars we have received from outside funding for new county bridges, new roads, and even the bike path in Garden City, I said those were funded “without using PROPERTY tax dollars.” Of course those projects are still ultimately funded by our tax money. 


We all know that for good or bad, our government and this country are run with our tax dollars. And those taxes often feel very burdensome. In the case of the federal government especially, we have very little say in where our tax dollars go. They can be used in any state, or even clear across the world, and like it or not, we don’t get to decide that. So when there are ways to reclaim our tax dollars, and get that money back to OUR OWN COUNTY, why would we not do that? They have our money, and it’s going to be spent somewhere. Why not here? We have bridges that are deteriorating and need to be rebuilt. We have county roads that get a lot of use and need to be repaired and replaced. We have vulnerable citizens like our seniors who need to be helped and cared for, and numerous other needs in our county. Where will we get the money to take care of these and other needed projects? I do not want, or think it is necessary to raise property taxes if we can continue to seek and receive these outside funding sources. 


Regardless of what’s being said, this is not about me. I am just a commissioner with experience who loves Rich County with all my heart! I have built relationships with state and federal legislators, and I know and understand sources we can use to GET OUR MONEY BACK INTO OUR COUNTY. I would be honored to continue to do that. Ballots will be arriving soon, and I would appreciate your vote. Call anytime. 435-757-8248.


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