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Sunday, June 5, 2022

Commissioner's Corner by Bill Cox

I have always had a great love and respect for the Senior Citizens of Rich County. They are the foundation of our families and of this county. I have been actively involved in the Senior Program for many years. 
The program for the older citizens in our county is a stand-alone program that is funded through the Older Americans Act, which is a federal program that provides services for aging adults. It is funded through a contract with the Bear River Association of Governments (BRAG). The county then matches a percentage of these federal dollars to fund the services that are provided by the county Senior Citizen Program. Some of the services provided include on-site meals at the center, home-delivered meals, transportation to the center, and also services outside and inside the county. Seniors also have the opportunity to receive immunizations, and nutrition and Medicare counseling. Since the Covid pandemic, meal delivery services have been increased to insure all seniors have the opportunity to receive warm meals. We appreciate those who work so hard to provide delicious meals, and timely delivery to our older citizens throughout the county. I can’t thank them enough for their hard work!
Over 150 seniors in the county received services through the program last year. As the population of “Baby Boomers” who will utilize aging services is predicted to double in our country by 2030, expanded resources will undoubtedly be needed. I participate every year in the lobbying efforts of the State Legislature for increased funding for our programs throughout the Bear River area, and will continue these efforts. One of the best things about Rich County is how we love and cherish the older people who live here. I feel it’s important that we continue to make this a priority.

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