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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Laketown Town Council Meeting Minutes September 6, 2023

 Mayor Burdette Weston welcomed those present and called the meeting to order at 7:01p.m.  Those present are as follows: Mayor Burdette Weston, Council Members Eldon Robinson, Brandon Willis (via Zoom), Kris Hodges, Delora Wight and Clerk Alice Jackson. Those present in the room: Planning and Zoning Chairman Duane Robinson, Heidi Hodges, chairman of the activity committee, Jordan Gomez with activity committee. Members from the community attending are:  Steve Meyers, Jeff Brimhall, and Mike Fuhriman. Dennis Hodges arrived at 7:15pm.

OPENING CEREMONY: Mayor conducted the opening ceremony and Kris led the pledge of allegiance.

ACTION: Agenda: Alice added to the agenda-Election Update. Mayor asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Motion made by Eldon, seconded by Kris. Motion carried unanimously.

ACTION: Minutes: Mayor called for a motion to approve the minutes from August 9, 2023. Delora made the motion, seconed by Eldon. Motion carried unanimously.

QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FOR MAYOR AND COUNCIL: Any person wishing to comment on any item not otherwise on the agenda may address the town council at this point by addressing the mayor and town council and giving his or her name and address for the record. Comments should be limited to not more than three (3) minutes. This is the time and place for any person who wishes to comment on non-agenda items.


Action Items From Previous Meeting:

-       Alice-Cancel the rodeo WiFi-Completed.

-       Alice-Find list of individuals that have pre-paid for water. Completed. The list was passed around to the mayor and council. Brandon asked if individuals that appear on the list, are paying monthly water fees. Eldon noted that some of the names on the list don't have a water meter. They need to be paying for their service. A committee made up of Delora, Mayor, Duane to get together and determine who has built and are currently paying, then identify those that have prepaid and should be paying their monthly water fee. *Action Item Mayor, Delora and Duane.

-       Alice-Arrange meeting with Eldon and Lynn Weston RE: Sanitation. Not done.

-       Alice-Report on degree of back-flow protection meters provide per Meterworks. No protection is provided by these meters Per Terrick.

-       Brandon-Update on the 'Mike Fuhriman road' issue. Has the town been receiving money for this road? See below.

-       Brandon-Update on discussion with Scott RE: state law on back flow valves on park etc. Not done.

-       Brandon-Speak to Justin RE: Hal Weston Document. Justin has not yet responded.

-       Delora-Read Drinking Water Revision Document, review with Jeff and Dan. Update the council on contents. Delora reports that she reviewed the entire document. It's 44 pages and contains many definitions and there are not many items within this document that will impact Laketown.

-       Delora-Update on Thank You Note to Robyn Esterholdt. Sent

-       Dan-Purchase a cap for Esterholdts. Not done.

-       Delora and Brandon-Update on Water Infrastructure Project. This was submitted on time. Scott Archibald was very helpful with many of the questions. The grant is for 1.6 million. Alice followed up with Sherry and the grant was received and they will get back with Laketown if more information is needed.

-       Kris-New rodeo sign discussion. The current sign is deteriorating and needs to be replaced. Wayne Early installed the current sign. *Action Item Eldon to check with Wayne to see if this was an eagle project.

-       Eldon-Outstanding rodeo sponsor payments. No new payments have been received.

Election Update: Write in deadline is September 18,2023. Discussion was held about cancelling the election by resolution as allowed by state statute. Eldon wants to hold an election.

Heidi Hodges-Activity Committee Update: October 21, a dinner and trunk and treat will be held at the park unless inclement weather then it will be held at the church.

Heidi handed out information on doing a digital sign at the park utilizing TRT monies. Early bids are coming in around $36,000. The purpose for this sign is to build the community by advertising events on the sign such as birthdays, activities etc. One company is located in Evanston. Heidi would like to use this company based on their location. Heidi is looking for approval tonight. Approval will not be granted tonight. The mayor would like to wait until we know we have the money.

Heidi attended a previous P&Z meeting and discussed the size of the sign. P&Z recommended the location of the sign which is at the intersection where the park is located. Electricity will be needed. The program will be run similar to a PowerPoint program and should be run through the city office.

Delora indicated that this type of support is very time consuming and what is the plan to staff this need. The mayor noted that all information of this sign needs to run through the city. The mayor shared that $23,500 was submitted for a TRT grant for this venture. Discussion was held regarding the cost for this sign. It's high. The revenue earned by the rodeo concession stand (approximately $12,000) may be used towards this sign. Mayor indicated that we cannot approve it until we have the funds via TRT. The money needs to be used for recreation per TRT.

Eldon noted that there is room in the breaker box to put a 20amp breaker.

Kris noted that the community likes to see what money the council approves of and where it is being spent. Kris noted that the community worked hard at the rodeo concession stand.

Duane stated that P&Z has not signed off on the sign. It will be a permanent light that will run all night long. Discussion was held regarding whether this should or needs to run all night long. Neighbors should be consulted as well.


Planning & Zoning- Chairman Duane Robinson

Duane circulated the building clearance form and associated plans for Scott Johnson's shed. The current shed will be torn down and rebuilt on the same footprint. Delora signed the clearance form. Alice to send to the county.

ACTION: Scott Johnson Shed: Mayor called for a motion to approve the build of Scott Johnson shed. Eldon made the motion; Kris seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Steve Meyers has applied for a shed. Duane circulated the clearance form with associated documents. It will be set on gravel on a 6 acre piece of property.  It's a pre-built shed but looks like a tiny home. Eldon asked if the building inspector will be involved in this project. The question was asked during P&Z and here at the town council meeting if this is a shed or a home. Steve replied that this building is a shed, not a home. Laketown does not allow tiny homes. Kris commented that this shed is nice looking, but what is Steve going to use this shed for? Discussion took place about other sheds in Laketown that were built under other ordinances. Now that we have newer ordinances, they prevent sheds from being lived in. It cannot have stoves, bathroom etc. It should only be used as a shed. The building inspector should inspect this shed due to the size. It needs to have a building permit and be inspected by the building inspector.

Discussion was held about the amount of time a person has to build once they obtain their building permit. One year.

ACTION: Steve Meyers Shed: Mayor asked for a motion to approve Steve's shed. Kris made the motion to approve Steve's shed as long as it's a shed. Motion seconded by Delora. Motion carried unanimously.

Eldon passed the water share certificate from Mike Fuhriman to the city. Alice to file with other shares.

Subdivision Ordinance is moving forward with Alice, Duane and Brandon. The timeline for the completion of this ordinance is the end of the year because this is when the funding ends with CivicLinQ.

Mike Fuhriman and Tim Wright (builder) are at this meeting to present Mike's plans.

Access has been agreed upon with Pugmires. Kelvin is not the only one that needs to sign the agreement. There are other members of the trust that must sign. This is expected to take place ASAP. Kris suggested that all the paperwork needs to be in the town hands before Mike pays his fees. Discussion was held regarding where the irrigation and culinary lines are located. Mike states that per the survey, the culinary line is located on his property.

The final documents per Mike should be signed by tomorrow. 

Mike is asking for a signed clearance form tonight contingent on all signed documents being provided (contingencies are listed at the bottom of the clearance form). Duane and P&Z recommend that the council approve the clearance form contingent on the items listed on the bottom of the form are completed.

Eldon noted that this is not a new problem. Mike knew what was going to be required a month ago. The mayor and council do not want to sign the clearance form until all the documents are in hand.

Brandon suggested that we allow Mike to move forward based on the contingencies listed at the bottom of the form. Once the documents are received at the city office, the clerk will send them to our attorney. Once he approves the documents and all the fees are paid, the clearance form will be signed, and Mike can proceed.

ACTION: Clearance Form for Mike Fuhriman: Brandon made the motion that once the documents are received and the attorney agrees that the documents are in order, then the clearance form will be signed. Motion seconded by Eldon. Motion carried unanimously.

Dan Strigham arrived at 7:30pm.

Water Updates - Delora Wight

Jeff Brimhall reported on the conference he attended regarding cross-connection training. He handed out the state requirements and reviewed them with the mayor and council. Jeff suggests that we invite an individual from RUWA to educate the mayor and council on these state requirements. *Action Item Jeff to make these arrangements.

Dan quoted the costs of back flow valves for the cemetery and park. Backflows need to be installed         a foot above the ground. They should be removed before winter months. A back up chlorinator is about $2,800.

Roads & Streets Updates - Brandon Willis

No updates at this time.            

Park & Recreation Updates - Kris Hodges

Brian questions why the park has 3 black garbage cans.

Eldon provided the quotes for diamond dust and bid for Jeff Brimhall for digging out the grass. Final invoices will be coming soon.

Gates for pickle ball courts access bid will be forth coming.

Rodeo & Arena Updates - Eldon Robinson

Winterizing will be started this month. Eldon will take care of this. 


Bear Lake Regional Commission Report. Celebrated 50 years. Due to complaints of ATV's going up Mill Canyon this trail should be removed from the list of trails. Mayor will bring this up at the next meeting.

Revised Business License Ordinance Review. Ordinance was reviewed, comments incorporated. Hopefully this will be ready to be passed and signed off at our next meeting.      

2024 TRT Applications-We turned in three different applications. One for a pickle ball court, improvements to the rodeo bleachers that included adding additional seating. All existing bleachers will need to be removed and then replaced with bleachers per the code. Eldon commented that removing existing bleachers will be difficult. The third TRT application was for a marquee for the park.     

Update on UDOT/Governor Letter-Mayor spoke with our representative. Rob White met with the mayor. They discussed an 85% rule on the ages of individuals that are driving cars. They don't want to lower the speed limit any lower than 45 miles/hr. Discussion will continue.


Receipt of money for insurance sharing from the fire department has been received.

New Rodeo MM account set up with Cache Valley Bank

Scott Archibald RE: water shares: Scott's email regarding this issue was circulated to the group. Discussion was held on what Laketown's fee should be if a prospective builder does not have shares to give to the city. More information and discussion are needed before a fee can be decided.

Receipt of rodeo repair reimbursement-This was received.

Aging Report- Reviewed. No comments or concerns

Park Reservation-Anderson. Mr. Anderson utilized the park in August and did not pay the fee nor complete the reservation form. Alice instructed to issue a second invoice with late fees and if payment is not received within 30 days the amount should be turned over to collections.


Budgets were circulated to the mayor and council. No questions were raised. Discussion took place about the success of the rodeo.


ACTION: Approval of Bills: Motion made by Delora, seconded by Eldon. Motion carried unanimously.

ADJOURN. Meeting was adjourned at 11:30pm. Motion made by Delora, seconded by Kris. Motion carried unanimously.

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