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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Garden City Fire District Board Meeting, June 17, 2024 - 6:30PM


Mon, Jun 17, 8:39 PM (6 days ago)

Garden City Fire District Board Meeting, June 17, 2024 - 6:30PM

Leonard O’Reilly, Reporter

Rich Civic Times         

5 board members in attendance.

The satellite station purchase will soon be concluded - after one other document is handled.

There was further discussion concerning the Policies and Procedures manual.

Firecheif Wahlberg  told the board about upcoming events that will require their services.

4th 0f July - He invites anyone with fireworks to see restrictions listed on their 

website - garden city utah fire department

Monday July 24th -  Pioneer day. They will host a barbeque. See information forthcoming.

Raspberry Days - see further announcements.

It was reported that wildland hoses and boots were purchased

The responses for the month were:

1 - Vehicle extrication

2 - Propane Leaks

3 - Carbon monoxide

17- Medicals 

13- Short Term Rental Inspections

5 - Business Inspections

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