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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Laketown Town Council Agenda

June 5, 2024

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Laketown Town Council will hold a Budget Hearing at 6:00 p.m. in the Laketown Town Office located at 10 North 200 East Laketown, Utah. 


To consider, receive public comment and discuss with the Laketown residents the review of operating budgets for the fiscal year 2024-2025.

The Town of Laketown operating budgets for fiscal year 2024-2025 are available for inspection in the Laketown Office at 10 North 200 East, Laketown, Utah, during regular office hours. Budget information may also be viewed on the town's website:
The public is invited to attend and may give written or oral comments.  All public hearing items will be discussed and/or approved during the Laketown Town Council meeting, directly following this Public Hearing.

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