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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Laketown Town Council Agenda September 4, 2024

    Laketown Town Council Agenda
September 4, 2024
Notice is hereby given that the Town of Laketown Town Council will hold their regularly scheduled meeting at 7:00pm on Wednesday September 4, 2024 in the Laketown Town Office located at 10 North 200 East Laketown, Utah. 

1.  Call to Order - Mayor Burdette Weston
2.  Opening Ceremony - TBD
3.  Roll Call
4.  Approval of Agenda
5.  Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes 

6.  QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FOR MAYOR AND COUNCIL: Any person wishing to comment on any item not otherwise on the agenda may address the town council at this point by addressing the mayor and town council and giving his or her name and address for the record. Comments should be limited to not more than three (3) minutes, unless additional time is authorized by the mayor. Citizen groups will be asked to appoint a spokesperson. This is the time and place for any person who wishes to comment on non-agenda items. Some items brought forward to the attention of the town council will be turned over to the clerk to provide a response outside of the town council meeting.

	A. Kendall Welch from Jones and Demille
-	Road Cut Ordinance
-	Subdivision Ordinance Amendment
B. Water System Violation Letter
C. Complaint Letter
D. Status of TRT Application
E. Council Member Thad Willis
F. Home Businesses in Laketown
G. Business License Request-Brandon Willis

Action Items From Previous Meeting
-	Mayor-Accountant for 2024 Audit
-	Alice-Addendum to Jeff's and Dan's Contractor Agreements
-	Brandon to draft a letter to Ombudsman
-	Brandon to contact Justin RE Old Building Permits-Do they have to pay the water Impact Fees?
-	Brandon to contact Just RE: multi-family owned property
-	Alice-discussion with Pelorus RE: timing of late fees on water bills
o	Water Late Fees/Account Balances

Jordan Gomez-Activity Committee Update
A. Planning & Zoning Commission- Chairman Duane Robinson
B. Water Updates - Delora Wight
-	Installation of New Meters
-	Sanitation Survey
-	Positive Sample Notifications
C. Roads & Streets Updates - Brandon Willis
D. Park & Recreation Updates - Thad 
E. Rodeo & Arena Updates - Thad & Kris
	A. Bear Lake Regional Commission Report  
A. Time Away
B. New Computer Mouse
C. Mouse Glue Traps
14. EXECUTIVE SESSION (if needed) 

NOTE: The Town Council may vote to go into executive session pursuant to Utah Code 52-4-205
On Tuesday Sept 3rd, 2024 at 4p.m. a copy of the foregoing notice was posted on the Utah Public Notice website at and on the Laketown website at A copy was posted in conspicuous view inside 
and outside the Laketown Town Office in Laketown, Utah, and inside and outside of the Laketown post office and at Dee's Service Station. DATED THIS 3rd Day of September, 2024 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this public hearing should notify the Laketown Town Office at (435) 946-9000, 10 North 200 East, Laketown, Utah, on Monday through Wednesday at least three working days prior to the public hearing. The office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Individuals with speech and/or hearing impairments may call the Relay Utah by dialing 711. Spanish Relay Utah 1-888-346-3162. 	

/S/Alice Jackson, Clerk

Notice of Special Accommodations:

NOTICE OF SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION DURING PUBLIC MEETINGS In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify the town clerk three days before the meeting, so arrangements can be made.

Notice of Electronic or telephone participation:


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