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Monday, September 9, 2024

Rich County Commission Meeting Sept. 4, 2024

 Marlow Stevens, owner of Bluewater Charters, requested a business license. The commissioners approved his request.

Brian Willmore, sheriff's deputy, discussed the possibility of having a School Resource Officer being certified to serve the County Sheriff's Dept. during the summer months. The State of UT passed a bill requiring all school districts to formulate a plan for resource officers. They will be funded for one year on a trial basis. He also compared the salaries from several departments around the State of UT. Rich County was one of the lowest in pay. The commissioners were willing to study the need to increase the pay for our officers and to consider a resource officer/deputy. (For the complete bill look for it at the end of the newsletter).

Mitch Poulson from the Bear Lake Regional Commission represented the Planning and Zoning department for Rich County for a plat amendment on  SWH. The owner had the plat surveyed and found that his home was partially on another person's land so he needed to buy the amount of land needed and have the amendment recorded. The commissioners approved the request. 

Mitch also said that Rocky Mountain Power has requested a utility survey be done on all properties that are sold and for that identification to be on all plats. The commissioners approved this request.

The Alternative Energy Ordinance has been updated for wind farms, towers and solar farms to include conditional use permits with the application form. There are more requirements to do with parking, wildlife protection areas, access roads, and fire prevention corridors. The commissioners approved the changes.

The Commissioners were invited to breakfast to celebrate the 9/11 PROJECT sponsored by the Taylor Foundation in honor Mayor Brent Taylor who was killed in Afghanistan on his 4th mission. The project includes pictures of 9/11 and people's stories and will be held September 11th - 14th at the Hansen Family Sports Complex 220 E 2850 N, North Logan, UT 84341

Free and open to the public from 9am - 9pm.

Bills were paid and the meeting was closed.

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