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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Happy Gardening: Jackie Martinez

Purchasing your seeds
Starting Seedlings for your vegetable and flower gardens
Getting your garden Ready for planting

February is generally not too late to start seedlings, even if it's considered late in the season; you can still grow many plants by starting seeds now, although they might be smaller than if you started earlier, and you should choose fast-growing varieties depending on your climate and remaining growing season.

Tomatoes and Peppers require an earlier start, It may be too late for them to mature enough to be put in the ground or in pots in late May, early June. You might be better off purchasing these plants from a nursery or garden shop.

Key points to consider:

  Plant type: Select fast-growing vegetables like lettuce, radishes, spinach, or bunching onions if starting late.  

Climate and frost date: Check your local frost dates to determine how much time you have for plants to mature.  

 Succession planting: Continue to sow seeds throughout the growing season to ensure a steady harvest. 

If you have not already purchased your seeds, make sure to get your orders in early, the larger seed companies run out of the popular varieties early in the season. A lot of the garden centers already have their seed displays out. Buy early so you won’t be disappointed.

Check the zone in your area, some seeds will not do well and will not thrive in colder climates. Don’t spend money on good seed if it won’t do well in your garden.

Check the Farmer’s almanac and follow your local weather forecaster, they will keep you updated on the final’s days of frost. You don’t want to plant your garden too soon.

Your first crop to sow would be your cold crop vegetables. Such as sweet peas, snap peas, carrots, radishes, lettuces and spinach.

Succession gardening is the best way to use your space in your garden. Plan your next crop which would probably be tomatoes and peppers. They take longer to grow, and they need warmer weather.

If planting squash, cucumbers and other vine type plants, make sure to give them plenty of space in your garden for them to grow. These fruits require a lot of water, and they thrive with consistent watering.

As the days get warmer and you can get outside and start cleaning out your beds, organize your potting shed, get your tools cleaned and all together. Make a list of all that you will need in the weeks ahead. Wash out all your good pots with an antibacterial soap. You want to give your new plants a fresh new start with clean pots, new soil and new plants!

The garden centers will start putting out their soil and amendments, and you can take advantage of the pre-season sales that will be going on to kick off the growing season. I hope these tips will get you into the mood to start thinking about gardening. I know the cold weather is getting to all of us at this time of year and that’s because we know that spring is so close to being here!

Happy gardening! I wish you all a very successful growing season!

Jackie Martinez
Violets & Grace Flowers and Gifts LLC
Garden City, UT

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