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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Rich County Commission Notes (you may still look at the meeting on youtube)

 An audit by Rob Johnson, Director of Bear River Mental Health, was presented to the Commissioners for their approval. Medicaid is the largest use of the monies. Motion was approved.

Randall Knight, Garden City Fire Dept. requested a fire break be set up for Swan Creek Village. He has met with some of the homeowners in the areas that would be affected. Most were in favor of the approach he and Travis Hobbs, County Fire Marshall have planned. They would like to build a fire use only road with the County's and the HOA's approval. He will bring more information next meeting. Randall also referenced the House Bill 48 about insurance requirements for the upcoming year. Insurance companies are requiring better roofing and coverings for homes to protect them from fire.

Duane Robinson, Laketown Cemetery District, asked the Commissioners to allow  the Cemetery District to transfer some excess property to Laketown. The motion was approved.

A Discussion on a program to track STR's in the County was presented. There are about 120 homes in the county that are short term rentals. No action was taken.

Public Hearing:

The County has proposed an ordinance to create a County wide Trails Committee. Discussion was held about who should be represented on this new board. Closed the Public Hearing.

The Commissioners approved the formation of a Trail's Board.

(And if you don't think our Commissioners have enough to do, then follow the presentation by Jordan Mathis, Director of the Bear River Health Dept. He was assigned to work with Cache, Box Elder, and Rich County to form a United Health Dept. where they could coordinate the various entities now serving the three counties separately.) There was a lot if information (almost overwhelming-at least for me) for the Commissioners to digest in one meeting.

County Attorney, Ben Willoughby, suggested that the Commissioners approve a one year contract With Chris Crockett, Chief Civil Deputy at Weber County who is an expert in administrative code revisions. Ben feels it gives them time to review the old Development code to bring it in compliance.

Discussion with Taylor Paine from the Dept. of Utah Agriculture, and Cole Selman from Utah Grazing & Improvement Programs ask for some funds for Predator control. 

Bill Petersen, Owner of Zora Software, contracts for Short Term Rental has organized a tracking and coordination to solve some of the problems the County is facing to combine all entities in one program. Motion made and approved to contract with Zora.

Kaia Bowden, County Recorder, asked the Commissioners to clean up the lot confusion on SW Hill. Commissioners approved the decision.

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