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Monday, November 5, 2012

Cisco Sonar

Bryce Neilson
As I sit here watching the boob tube I wish I wasn't addicted to it and the news.  I really don't want to turn it on but I can't help myself.  I wonder why I should believe any of the "talking heads" that rattle on about everything.  I don't know any of these people nor their agendas.  With the election tomorrow it will all peak.  The billions of dollars wasted on advertizing political rhetoric will be stuffed into the pockets of media and advertizing companies. 

What has it gained us other than a divided nation, the election of a person half of the people dislike and a Congress that will actually control the future?  I heard a lot of things about the candidates' views  over and over and over but I still don't know if they like to hunt or fish, ski, wakeboard, camp, ride a horse or ever wear pants that are not pressed.  I would like to get in their minds to really know what they truly think.  Do they love sunrises, fresh snow, clean water and air, the smell of pines or the crashing of waves.  They probably don't have the time to know. 

I am being unfair to the people trying to run our lives.  I think they all started out with a sincere wish to serve the public.  Now they are all being told what to do and say or just trying to get re-elected.  We will never know them personally.  As an old retired politician I have learned that the elections that really count are in your counties and towns.  At least you know the people.  I just keep thinking what we could have done for all of us with the billions and billions that have been spent. 

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