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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Rendezvous at Meadowville

Anita Weston, Reporter

RANDOLPH-November 7.  Joel Marler from the Bear Lake Rendezvous Corporation asked the county commission that the Corporation be given permission to hold a Rendezvous in the Meadowville area.  He noted that Scott Johnson had given permission to use his property at that location.  There will be plenty of room for parking, for exhibits, and for entertainment.  The date would be August 20-25, 2013.  This date was chosen because it is the week prior to the Ft. Bridger Rendezvous.  Those individuals who participate in the Ft. Bridger festivities would be able to stay in Meadowville area for a week and then move over to Ft. Bridger which would save many of them travel and other expenses. 
The Rendevouz is planning on about 50 or so traders for this first year.  They are hoping to attract around 5,000 people this first year.  The Commissioners indicated they would be interested in having such an activity in the County.  The only request they made was that with the parking areas, to please make sure there is both an ingress and an egress to make it easier for people to get in and out of the area.

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