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Saturday, December 22, 2012

New Canal Easment Rules

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY –December 13, 2012.  George Peart, Building Inspector, reported that there are currently 14 new homes being built in the City.  Mr. Peart expressed concern with the homes that are close to the canals.  He noted that the State of Utah has changed requirements in building next to a canal and that 100' from the center line of the canal is the new law.  He suggested that the Planning and Zoning Commission become aware of the new laws and make sure that canals play a larger role in whether or not permission be given to subdivisions and developers. 

Mr. Peart reported that currently in Rich County canal easements are not platted.  He suggested that these canal easements be platted so that everyone is more aware of how much space needs to be left to provide canal safety.  Mr. Peart also noted that the canal companies need to play a much larger role in keeping people informed of the current laws concerning building next to a canal.  It was decided that the canal companies need to have a signature line on subdivision plats for the canal company’s officer to sign off on such building plans.

Mr. Danny White said that he has created a map that shows the high risk areas in Garden City.  He noted that there are several sensitive land areas that should be considered when development is suggested.  He encouraged the Planning and Zoning people to become aware of the most recent water laws passed by the State.

Mr. Peart also reported to the Council that he is currently working on a commercial building inspector license.  The Council encouraged him to continue to work in this direction because it will be most helpful in this area.

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