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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Letters To The Editor

Re:  Article on Gun Range

"Apparently whomever gave you the information on the straw vote at our recent meeting was at a different meeting them I the President was at. The vote was not in favor of the gun range. In fact it was 50/50 for and against the gun range. As usual we are being sold down the river by Rich County and Garden City who only want our money anyway. Mr. White ran a test on gun firring but did not inform anyone it was going on and therefore as it was in the middle of the week and no one knew about it, there was no report about the sound of gun shots. I cannot believe that you reported it as you did without checking any facts. I guess we know who's side you are on."

Re: Article On Math Education At RHS

"Perhaps if the Rich County School District put as much time, effort, and MONEY into academics as it does into sports, the children of RIch County would not find themselves at an academic disadvantage when they graduate. I realize sports is fun for all, but at the end of the school experience I'm not sure if playing sports is what will carry them through the future's economic environment. School resources should go toward preparing our children for the future. Sports can still be funded by the families who participate. Sports activities should not be the burden of the taxpayers."

Re: Tony Grove

Our friend, Sandy, reminds us that it is Tony Grove not Tony's was called Tony as in posh or stylish not after some un-named Tony.  Be sure to hike up at least once this summer, the wildflowers are fantastic.

1 comment:

JSSox said...

I am very disheartened that the first two comments were posted anonymously. C'mon, don't hide. If you have something to say, then say it and put your name behind it.

With that said though I happy to see any kind of comments made. I wish discussion, such as the one about the gun range, carried on in a public forum such as this one. I also wish discussions followed some sort of "rules of a formal discussion." Here's some nice suggestions I just found googling around: