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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Why A Gun Club In Our Backyard?

Donna Severeson, Past President of Sweetwater Trailer Camper Park
For twenty years we have come every summer to enjoy the peace and quiet at our place in Sweetwater Trailer Camper Park. We see deer coming and going morning and evening, grouse and sage hens visit my lawn and garden throughout the summer and we enjoy listening  to the many birds sing their lovely songs. The traffic at this end of the lake is very light except on weekends.  It has been a bit of heaven for us all these years.
During those twenty years, we have worked with the community and enjoyed the people here in the area. Several years ago, when the EMTs needed to outfit their new emergency vehicle, the people of Sweetwater raised funds to help them.  Many of us have volunteered at community and church activities.  We support local business and bring money to the community.
However, now that Garden City and Rich County have seen fit to build a gun club just over the small rise from us, all of that peace and quiet will be gone. The animals will leave and the bird songs will come to an end.  All we will hear is the sound of weapons firing. The traffic will increase on the proposed road just behind our southern border.  In dry weather, the dust will be thick in the air. Our quiet peaceful life will come to a screeching end and we will have to think about moving elsewhere.
At our recent home owner’s meeting, we took a show of hands vote.  As predicted the gun owners voted yes and those who enjoy their peace and quiet voted no. The vote that most owners wanted the gun club is wrong.  The vote was only 50/50. Many owners who were not at the meeting have called to voice their objections. We haven’t heard from one gun owners because they figure it’s a done deal. As it probably is.
With all the open land around this area, why did they choose our backyard?  We are really sorry that Rich County and Garden City think so little of the 421 owners who live here in the summer (some all year round).  It would seem that the local governments only want our money and not our friendship.  It seems that they feel that we are just summer people and don’t really count for much.
Again I ask, why in our backyard?  


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