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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Gun Range and City Administrator Report

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times 

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  October 10, 2013.  The builders of the Water’s Edge Project are waiting for the wet lands mitigation plan.  There should also be a beach access plan built into the development.  All new projects are being required to create a cultural resource plan.  Water’s Edge will need to prepare one of these.   

Garden City will also have to prepare a cultural resource plan for the proposed gun range.  The State has requested a copy of the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) dealing with the gun range.  They want to know who is contributing what for this project.  Dan is currently finalizing plans for the gun range and will soon be able to give some fairly accurate cost estimates. 

There are fairly swift wind gusts (74 mph the other day) that sweep down through the area for the gun range.   The noise from shooting registered at about 63 decibels.  

The City and County will need to contribute 25 % of the cost of the project and matches can be used.  The time used to develop the plans and other activities can be used for the match.  The City will be responsible for the maintenance and up front costs after the facility is built. 

It was suggested that perhaps an auto gate could be used.  Those wanting to use the facility could stop by the city and get a card which would allow them to use the range for a day or whatever time was desired.  This card could be inserted into the gate which would give them entrance and would do away with a person manning the gate.  It was suggested also that the project not be too elaborate.  The gun range needs to look good and professional but not fancy.  The bowery at the park has been a very serviceable building with low maintenance.  A similar building could perhaps be built there. 

The winter range for the deer and grouse will not be affected because the gun range will be closed the first part of November and not be opened again until February.  This mitigates any impact on these animals. 

Beach access is currently a real problem.  With the number of individuals coming to the lake each summer, more parking needs to be built that will allow people to walk to the lake.  A meeting was held with sovereign lands people.  Some funding may be possible from their department.  They, however, cannot provide nearly enough that is needed.  Garden City and Rich County can perhaps also contribute some funds for parking.  Currently, the parking could only be gravel lots but even that would help tremendously.  A meeting will be held on the 21st of this month to see if the State Lands, the State Parks, and others would be able to set aside some of their budget monies for assistance in this project. 

Rocky Mountain Power would like to donate money for a community event.  It was suggested that perhaps the monies could be used for an Angel Tree and the Town Christmas Party.

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