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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Garden City Council Reports

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  April 10 2014. Council member Bess Huefner handed out a list to the Council Members of the events that have been scheduled for this coming summer.  She has ordered banners that can be hung from the new light poles that will include the names of the sponsors of the races. 

She noted that she had ordered porta potties for the Easter Party.  The budget for that party is $500, and $280 had been spent thus far. 

Raspberry Days plans are moving forward.  She indicated that she will suggest to the Raspberry Days Committee that they should probably post the meeting times and place so that the public could attend if they so desired.

There are some eagle projects that will be worked on this summer along with the Farmer’s Market and several service projects that will be carried out by visiting groups.

Darrin Pugmire noted that he is pleased that the roads on 150 South, 350 South and 75 North will be asphalted this summer.  He reported that the conditional use permit had been given so that the rodeo could be held this summer.  However, he feels that this activity must be added to the correct zone area for future such activities.  He also felt there needs more specific instructions for more true understanding of what is needed and required.

Chuck Stocking reported that the library rummage sale will be held June 12-14.  The evening of the 12 will be open from 7 – 9 p.m. for a $5 charge.  This will allow people who want first choice on items to be able to do so.  The sale will then be open on the 13-14 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. for the regular sale.   World Mark has donated some wonderful combination CD/Video players that are like new.  They have also donated some other items.  Everybody is encouraged to donate items to the sale to support and help the library.

The heater for the spa at the pool has been installed, and things there seem to be going smoothly.  The pool is being used more all of the time.

Bruce Warner asked if the Council Members could be provided monthly financial report.  He would like to see at least the cash balances and monthly spending information.

Kathy Hislop, the City Clerk, noted that all water bills are reviewed to see if they are reasonable.  There have been some bills that indicate there are some leaks.  Individuals will leaks need to make sure they get repairs made within the month.  One bill was as high as $1100 which shouldn’t have occurred.  If repairs aren’t done in a timely manner, no discounts for the leak will be allowed.

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