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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Historic Scout House Saved For One Year

Bobbie Bicknell Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah. May 7, 2014.  The historic log “Scout House” was built in the early 1930’s by local scouts in Randolph. It was scheduled to be demolished on June 1, as the walls are leaning out and the roof is unsafe. The area around it has to be shored up and a fence put around it because it is dangerous.  The county is looking at the land as a place to expand for more office space.
The commissioners believed that the best thing would be to move it, but it is not stable enough to move.  “Let’s do something positive” Steve Thomson offered to chair a committee to save it, and will start looking for public donations of building time and funding.  Norm Weston made a motion that Thomson will have a year to try to save it and during that time the county will build a fence around it to protect the public from the building.

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