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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Opposing Short Term Rentals On Sweetwater Hillside.

Notice to Sweetwater Hillside Homeowners
At the next Sweetwater Park Homeowners Association Meeting (August 16th, 10:00 a.m.) there will be a motion presented by several homeowners to allow short-term rentals in the Sweetwater Park Hillside. 
Recently, an anonymous flyer was distributed to homeowners on the hillside asking for support of the motion. This flyer, if you will, is a rebuttal. However, rather than sending it anonymously, we want to identify ourselves as noted below. As owners of cabins on Panorama Drive, we have been living near a homeowner who has rented out his cabin since approximately 2008 disregarding CC&R’s and By-Laws that prohibit a commercial enterprise. (Legal action is being taken against this renter by the HOA ed)
Rentals:  Understandably, there are times when homeowners are going to be away from their homes for significant periods of time. For instance, we have neighbors on the Hillside who have volunteered for missions and have had to leave their homes and cabins for one, two and three years. It has always appeared reasonable that persons who wish to put their house up for long term rental, i.e. 6 months or greater, should be able to do so.
However, we have a much different viewpoint regarding short-term rentals and homeowners who have purchased their homes exclusively to rent out.  We have this difference of opinion because of the continued problems we experience living near a home that is rented daily/weekly, on a year-round basis, and because of the bullets noted below, the enjoyment and safety of our homes has been adversely impacted.
Although, it would not be difficult to catalogue all the rental issues we have faced over the last 6 years, we wish to mention only those experienced from this one particular cabin, in just the past month. We use this cabin to illustrate what has been happening, and although we are aware there are other cabins being rented on the Hillside, we can only comment on our own personal experiences.
Very loud and disruptive late night partying outdoors and in the hot tub, which is often vulgar and inappropriate while others try to sleep.  The last occurrence on August 2nd continued until dawn! 
Boats, vehicles, motorcycles (both on, and off road,) parked along Panorama Drive making passing difficult and potentially dangerous if medical or fire crews need to access the area.
Riding and revving of recreational vehicles at high speeds in the early morning hours, i.e., midnight to 2 a.m. The vehicles are at the rented home for the use of the renters, and are extremely loud, so the noise pollution, which is bad enough during the day, makes sleeping impossible in the wee hours.
The speed limit of 15 mph is completely ignored. We have had wheelies performed in our own driveways, been run off the road, and watched as trash is tossed from the vehicles.
One homeowner reported to the Sheriff's Department live ammunition fire on two occasions on consecutive days from the renter's cabin, and although the actual firearms were not seen, and therefore this cannot be proved, after speaking with numerous neighbors, no fewer than four other homeowners on Panorama Drive heard the same shots and determined it was not fireworks, but live ammunition.
When Roman Candle Fireworks were set off from this renter's cabin, two members of the Hillside Board, including the President, went to the home to discuss the fireworks. What occurred was an obscenity-filled, physical confrontation that necessitated a visit by a Sheriff's Deputy.
Trash was then strewn up and down Panorama Drive upon the departure of this group of families. While another homeowner picked up the trash, this is unfortunately a frequent occurrence along Panorama Drive. They are not homeowners, but renters, and treat the area with total disregard for the actual homeowners.
Ability to manage and control rentals of cabins: 
Currently, we have a volunteer board.   As homeowners who are repeatedly being bothered by rule-breakers, we question if the Board would be able to control and handle the duties, responsibilities and engage the additional resources that would be required if the Sweetwater Hillside were to become a commercial entity.  The trash, the loud vehicles, the ignoring of common social courtesies, the danger to our homes because of weapons, fireworks and potential fires on the hillside all in the name of operating a short term rental commercial entity are not in the best interest of the majority of property owners. The renting homeowner appears in our opinion to be the only benefactor. 
As we move forward, we are all aware Sweetwater Hillside is facing difficult problems solving some long-term issues, such as our water system, and the snow plowing of roads with infrastructures that cannot support it. With minimal funds to fix and update these problems now, we ask, how could we possibly support the needs of the Hillside Association which allows short-term rentals without a huge expenditure of funds we simply don't have? We believe based on a reading of the motion in the flyer sent to us, homeowners who wish to rent, completely minimized the potential problems associated with short term rentals.
If you, as a Hillside homeowner, are in agreement with our views, it is imperative that you attend the Sweetwater Park Homeowners Association Annual Meeting to vote. We believe the homeowners at the meeting who will present the motion to rent, will do their best to force a vote, and an absentee ballot would only be valid if the motion is passed as stated exactly in the flyer.
If “any” changes are made to the motion to amend the current amendment, (which prohibits rentals) “all” absentee ballots are null and void.
In closing, it is our belief this motion to allow short-term rentals would signify the death knell of the Hillside as a peaceful community that is respectful of the rights and properties of all homeowners. 
The meeting is scheduled for August 16, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at the Garden City Offices. Thank you for allowing us to express our opinions, and to hopefully solicit support from other like-minded homeowners to defeat this motion.

Karen Smith
Eric and Kathie Roman

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