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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Madsen Water Agreement

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah. November 13, 2014. Mike Madsen appeared before the Council asking that he be allowed to charge impact fees if and when land owners to the North want to connect to the water line that he personally installed.  He noted that he had spent about $97,000 to extend culinary water north.  Since development has slowed, no one has shown an interest.  However, Madsen felt that he should be able to recover some of his costs if and when development begins.  He was asking for an extension of the current agreement with the City that expires in 2020.  He asked for an additional ten years.  The Council indicated that they would be happy to extend the time period. 

However, the City would also like to make an agreement with him so that the City could also attach individuals in that area who are already using Garden City water onto that water source if there were problems with some of the older lines in that area. Madsen was told he could charge what he wanted to developers as an impact fee.  However, the City would like to make a fair agreement with him to allow the City to pay for use of his line as needed in the future.  Zan Murray, the City Engineer, said that he would write up a fair agreement to be made between the City and Madsen. 

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