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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Local Author Publishes Book

Wayne Fisher, who lives in Garden City, has published his first book Fall on Your Knees, A Nephites Journey to Bethlehem.  Despite the title,
the book is more a coming of age story with two brothers and their relationships with their father and lovers.  It is like being in Wayne's head as he dreams because time and space are suspended as the characters start out in Book of Mormon times but have Spanish names and quickly become a kind of American teen talking in slang and referring to current TV programs and movies, then sail to fantasy lands, fall in love, and end up with a rather disquieting scene with Mary, the mother of Jesus. 

Wayne was involved in a car accident which left him unable to walk or use his arms and hands and made talking very difficult.  In spite of this, he has trained a software program to understand his speech and with difficulty he can write a sentence, so this 100 page book took a long time to write. Even though he struggles to speak, those of us who know him love his wicked sense of humor and gospel knowledge.

The book sells for $4.99 on with a $5 shipping and handling charge or you can get one for $5.00 from Wayne Fisher directly by e-mailing him at

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