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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Garden City Public Works Report

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  November 13, 2014.  A request was made by a citizen to the City Council to have their water turned off and to actually be cut off from the system in order to save the $42.00 monthly water fee.  There are unique circumstances at this location.  It was noted that the water to the building involved has a 6” pipe which was put in place at a significant cost to the City.  The meter there was also more costly then most. There will be a $10 lot fee, even if the water is shut off.  Removing the pipes and meter completely off the property will be expensive.  If water is requested later date, an impact fee will have to be paid.  It would require much more time and effort than just reconnecting to the system.  Riley Argyle, the Public Works Director, said he would figure out the costs involved in this request.  He also noted that later on, if the building is put up for sale, it will be much less saleable than it is in its current condition.

The Heritage Park project has been completed.  The sidewalk is in place, landscaping, and the other items have been completed.  The large tree by the Ray Lutz home has been moved to the park as well.

The summer homes just south of 150 South have now been metered.  There were seven homes there without meters.  All but one has been taken care of.  The last one will be metered this coming spring.

It has been decided to install 2 culverts close to Heritage Park on Third West.  This will just be a beginning to get the necessary culverts along this area.  These two will be put in place and the others will be added as time permits.

The fence at Buttercup is in place.  The dumpster pad will need to be enlarged so that the County trucks will be able to pick up the trash.  The trucks are larger than was thought.

There are four decorative light poles left.  Riley thought perhaps they could be put in Heritage Park.  Mayor Spuhler, however, thought it would be better to put two of them on the East side of the new parking lot at 75 North and the other two on the north side of the new 350 South parking lot.  This would give better visibility in those areas.

Darrin Pugmire, Council Member, will be working with Commissioner Tom Weston concerning the proposed gun range.

UDOT has requested permission to work at nights to put in the turn lane at 300 West.  They want to do the work early in the summer and have it finished by the end of May.  Mayor Spuhler noted that they should probably make the request to the Variance Committee.  The Council didn’t see that it would be a problem since there are no homes close to this area.  Riley Argyle said he would follow through on this item.

Riley asked where the ice skating rink should be placed this winter.  He noted that a small ice rink had been donated to the City along with ice skates.  He reported that when he checked the donated rink, there were only some sides, and it was really small.  It was finally decided that the pond at Heritage Park could be used for the rink.  The shallow end will be marked off and can be used for skating.  The skates that were donated are in good shape.  The decision was made to get ride of the old skates and use the new ones.

Riley noted that more sand is going to be needed this winter.  He thought that three more loads will be necessary.  The sand is used mainly for subdivisions that have really steep areas, and the sand gives a better grip in those areas.  He also reported that the snow plows are up and ready to work.

Riley asked where the Christmas lights were to be placed this year.  It was determined that they should go into Raspberry Square instead of at the City Office where they were placed last year.  It was determined that more people would be able to see and enjoy them there.  There will be a large 22’ tree at the square.  There will be a Christmas light contest held this year.  Three members of the Council have been asked to be judges.  More information about the contest will be available as we get nearer to Christmas.

Mayor Spuhler requested that Riley set up a meeting with Elk’s Ridge Home Owners’ organization to discuss what is happening there.  Resources and plans concerning this area need to be discussed and decisions made to get things moving forward there.

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