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Saturday, January 9, 2016

Rich County Commission Notes

Bobbie Bicknell Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah.  January 6, 2016.  Justin Dolling, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, gave Rich County the DWR PILT payment for 2015.  There are 2300 acres of land under federal control, the  Payment in Lieu of Taxes is about 50 cents an acre which is paid from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses. 

DWR would like to help with county plans.  They will share the information and data sets they have collected.  They will send the data electronically first. 

Dolling said that there is a coyote predator program, and lion tags are being given out. Bears are doing well, and need to have the population reduced.  There may be a bear hunt.  There have been wolf sightings and one wolf trapped and killed has been sent for analysis for DNA.

The Commissioners approved the inter-local agreement between Garden City, State Parks and the County for the Gun Range proposal.

Gary Bagley and Richard Wilcox, School Institutional Trust Land Administration, discussed the county’s communication site. All  communication lease sites during the last 5 or 6 years have been routinely looked at.  When they put the towers they followed the legal description in 1984, but the survey was wrong so some of the county towers are not on county land but on state land.  There is no provision to buy property non competitively now. 

Bagley said that the easiest way to solve this is to lease the land from the state.  He suggested a 20 year lease short term right of entry permit.  The lease could cover both sites. They need to resurvey. 

Tom Weston suggested moving the buildings to county land. But the translator needs to be on the edge for good reception so the towers need to stay where they are.

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