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Saturday, January 9, 2016

Rulon Crosby Requests Subdivision Road

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah. January 6, 2016. Rulon Crosby was in attendance at the Garden City Planning meeting.  He had not made arrangements to be on the agenda.  He was at last month’s Planning Meeting and was asked to bring a plat with everything he is planning to do carefully laid out with all dimensions and so forth so that the Commission could make informed decisions.  He had also been given a list of many items that needed to be addressed and resolved prior to being given permission to move forward with his subdivision.  Lance Bourne, Planning Commission Chair, felt that since he was at the meeting and wanted to present his plan, he should at least be given the courtesy of being allowed to speak to the group.

However, when  Crosby started out by telling the Commission what the set backs should be on the property that he owns, Bourne requested that he present his plat.  Crosby noted that he was there to make sure that the Commission understood that there was enough distance between the twin homes that he owns.  He said there was enough room for the set backs for each building as well as room for the road to go between them for ingress/egress into his subdivision.  He had a letter from his attorney that told the Commission that the distance between the two homes was ample. 

Bourne noted that the Commission was unable to make any decisions or accept the attorney’s letter.  The Commission must follow the procedures that are in place.  He requested that  Crosby follow the ordinances and procedures that have been put in place in order to get permission to create his subdivision.  He was also asked to get his paperwork into the Commission two weeks prior to the next Planning Meeting in order for the Commission members have an opportunity to look over the plans and make sure that all requirements have been met.  Then, when the next meeting is held, decisions and suggestions can be made.

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