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Saturday, February 13, 2016

Public Comments On Rec Center

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  Febuary 11, 2016. During the public comment time in the meeting, Dave Cook asked if the $5,000 could be saved by sending a questionnaire to the citizens asking if they would be interested in such a facility.  He was told that the board voted on hiring a consultant at the last board meeting.  The contract was extended immediately after the council members decided that it was a good idea. 

The consultants will determine how much it will cost, the amount that taxes will be raised to pay for the recreation building, and get all of the paper work done to get the bonding item on the November ballot.  It was noted that every voting citizen will be able to express whether this facility is a good or bad idea at the election.  Dave had created a survey instrument which will be included as a separate item in the paper.

Dallas Solum wrote a letter concerning the recreational facility.  His letter is also included in the paper . 

Dave Cook had written a letter  that was posted in the post office and was published in a previous issue of this news paper.

Letter written by Dallas Solum

February 6, 2016
To the Mayor and City Council of Garden City, Utah

In my younger days, I used to work in construction which required a considerable amount of physical and mental capabilities.  At that time, I also used to have the desire and energy to go out and have a good time that kept me out quite late at night.  One time, after being out very late and having to go to work the next day, I was having a hard time getting to work and doing the job I was hired to do.  On this occasion, my Grandfather looked at me and smiling said, “If you go to the dance, you will need to pay for the music!”

With this thought in mind, I need to express my concern in regard to the decision to spend tax payers’ monies to begin planning for the construction of a community recreation center.

During the summer the city cannot afford to hire anyone to actually take care of the crowds who flock here.  There is still a tremendous outstanding debt on the water treatment plant, and plans are in the works to drill a new well and add another one million dollar plus water tank to the water system.  Mowing is almost more than the number of workers can handle. Both parks need to be kept short, both sides of the bike trail need trimming.  This is only on the chores that gets left undone when others seem to take priority.  Many of the lights in Garden City have been disconnected because the city determined the electric bill was too high for the city to pay.  These are just a few examples of things that require time, money, and a larger work force.  How can we add another 6.1 million dollar debt when so many other items are being ignored and left undone?

I am certainly in favor of improvements to our community. However, I deem your decision to embark on a project of this magnitude is not in the best of priorities or financial capabilities of the tax paying citizens of Garden City.

There are many questions that need to be addressed and answered when talking about how fun it would be to have a place to go have fun.  After all everyone likes to go have fun, but, as I was once told by my Grandfather, if you are going to the dance, you must pay the for the music. 

I expect this facility would primarily benefit the special interest groups and visitors.  They will have fun going to the dance and will expect all of the tax payers of Garden City to try to pay for their music!  Now is the time for a reality check and put things in the property priority!

Best Regards,      Dallas Solum

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