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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Fund Raiser for Pets & Strays

The ANH bear lake spay-getti dinner is April 23rd 2016. from 2 to 6 at the Grace Thiel community center, 115 S. 4th street , Montpelier. $8 for adults and $4 for kids. The ANH bear lake has sponsored and supported this program for 9 years. This program helps residents of Bear Lake and Caribou Counties!

The pet owner pays $30, the ANH then picks up the balance so the vet clinics are paid in full. If you would like to make a difference or if you have received an ANH spay/neuter certificate to help with your pets please come and support us ,so together we can help someone else. Together we can eliminate the sad problem of unwanted litters.

Thank you for your generosity of heart.
The volunteers of the ANH

If you have any questions about this program and how it works please call Lorrie Jensen 208-339-0130 or Susie Bunn 208-317-1509.

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