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Saturday, October 29, 2016

We Need Computer Repair With Chuck Stocking Retiring!

To The Editor:

It is with mixed emotions that I am announcing my retirement from computer repair. When I started Bear Lake Computers over 9 years ago I was new to the area and had a lot more free time than I do these days. Before moving up here to Garden City I lived in Logan and had worked at Computerwise for about 5 years. After we moved here I started to kind of miss the computer world so I decided to get back into it a little. It all started as more of a hobby to give me something more to do. 

Over the years it has grown into more of a full time job. My family has been the one to pay the price as it has pulled me away from them. So unfortunately I have decided to discontinue those services in order to have more of a family life and focus on my other business ventures. Thank you Bear Lake for the business you have given me over the years.

Chuck Stocking

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