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Sunday, November 27, 2016

East Side Land Protected From Development

The Salt Lake Tribune reports, "A deal has been reached to preserve the historic South Eden Ranch on Bear Lake's east shore, which the Nebeker family promises to keep in production and undeveloped while adjacent lakefront property is subdivided and developed into residences.
The $800,000 deal targets a 50-acre slice of the 620-acre property, but it will ensure an indefinite reprieve from intensifying development pressure while further deals are reached to protect the entire property, according to ranch manager Krista Klein.
The ranch owned by Klein's late father, Sidney Jay Nebeker, used to cover much of the land east of Bear Lake. Today, the property — owned by Nebeker's five children — features 200 acres of irrigated pasture lands and 400 acres of range used by both sage grouse and cows."

Go to for the entire article written by Brian Maffly.
The entire county will benefit from the vistas and open space.  The Nebeker's and Klien's have worked for several years on this project.  They have sacrificed a personal fortune for a generational fortune for all of us who love the lake.  RCTonline thanks them for their work and sacrifice and for the ongoing effort to save the east side of the lake.

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