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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Commercial Building Inspector Report

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times 

GARDEN CITY, Utah. December 14, 2017. Glen Gillies, Commercial Building Inspector and Ordinance Officer, reported that he has given out a couple of citations.  One individual will pay.  The other citation requires some changes, but the individual will have to take care of this and will eventually have to pay.

A trailer on 200 North west of Bear Lake Blvd. has been condemned.  It is past the point of appalling. The owner has been given 60 business days to get the item removed and out of the City.   The trailer is full of mold and it has been over nine plus years since anyone had lived there.  The water was turned off that long ago.  If the owner doesn’t get the trailer moved, the City will do the job, and the owner will have to pay the costs.  The deadline is January 25 when it must be gone.  Gillies said he would call and remind the individual before the deadline.

Gillies is currently working on five different commercial buildings that are in the process of being built.  There is a lot of growth taking place in the City this fall and winter. 

The City pool has had a lot of improvements in the last week, but more needs to be done to get the pool is good condition.

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