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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Council Hears Development Plans

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  September 20, 2018. Todd Stevens requested a business license to conduct a property management/property rental business.  The name of the business will be Bear Lake Lodging and will be located at 48 Logan Road.  The motion was made and approved by the Council.

There was to be a discussion concerning the Cherimoya HOA proposed Third West Extension.  Jim Kemp stepped up to the table to talk with the Council.  He also had an attorney with him to assist him in putting his point across.  He was concerned about short-term rentals on Cherimoya as well as Persimmon Street being used for an entrance/exist for the proposed Hansen Subdivision.  Mayor Leonhardt told Kemp and his attorney that Garden City has sent information about these issues to the City’s Attorney.  When the City gets a response from their attorney, he will allow these individuals to present their case.  Until the City has this information, however, he felt discussing this item would not be fruitful.

Jeff Jorgenson was on the agenda to discuss the Hansen Development Plan.  They were asking for a re-approval of the conceptual plan and to review the Development Agreement. Ken Hansen noted that he had a conflict of interest and excused himself from the meeting. 

Jorgenson noted that the Third West Road will be going through the Hansen Property.  Persimmon Street will be coming straight across and right up the power and water line.  There will be at three lots--#23, 24, and 25 cut off from the proposed plat.

Mayor Leonhardt noted that this item was approved at the last meeting.  He informed these individuals involved that the City had already given them permission to move forward with their plan.  He didn’t think the Council needed to go through this item a second time.  He encouraged them to move forward and start their project by getting their information to the City’s Planning Commission.

A partner on Mark Smoot’s 2nd North Development noted that there were some changes made to the Conceptual Plan that had been approved by the City.  A section of the homes will be made smaller.  They will have only one bedroom with a sleeping loft and a pull-out couch.  There will be a garage and a parking spot behind the garage that is attached to these smaller homes.  This will allow six people to each home.  These homes will be about 900 square feet.  There will be a single bathroom and perhaps another one-half bathroom. 

There will be three entrances/exists to the street. and all parking will be inside the subdivision and not on the street as shown on the original plan.  The plans show Phase I for the first group of homes.  Phase II is a second group of homes.

Ordinance #18-17 is an ordinance updating the short-term rental requirements. It was noted that Glen Gillies measures the square footage on short-term rentals.  Therefore, the requirement to require individuals to draw a plan of their rental to scale will be dropped.  However, a floor plan is still desired—but it doesn’t have to be measured.  Glen also checks for parking so that the City does have that information after Glen does his inspection of a short-term rental.  These two items will be dropped from the ordinance.

A motion was made and approved for the Ordinance#18-17 with the above noted changes.

Resolution #R18-09 is a resolution updating the land use fees and the miscellaneous fees for services rendered and providing an effective date.  The fees were moved up by $10.  That was not deemed to be too much.  The Council approved this change.

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