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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Redevelopment Agency and future expenditures

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times 

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  February 21, 2019.This meeting was held to discuss short term rentals and how it is affecting the City’s infrastructure.  There needs to be tax that can be used to create money enough to improve the water, sewer, and other items that are currently almost maxed out.  Something must be done.  A tax called a pillow tax which is a recreational use fee, was discussed. This tax may be something to consider.,

The City currently is using software that is becoming dated. This software needs to be improved and upgraded.  There is a package that will cost $15,000 a year.  It is  reported to be user friendly. Everything would then be online.

An annual cost for a 24-hour call center would be $2,000 a year and can handle unlimited calls.  This item is also something that needs to be purchased and used by the office.  The call center can automatically transfer calls to the correct locations and individuals.  It will be much more effective than the current system. Any time items that can’t be handled by the software and equipment will then be transferred to the code enforcement officer.

Mayor  Mike Leonhardt noted that a certain figure should be used on a per head basis as a way of obtaining money.  If there are a certain number of individuals in a short-term rental, everyone could be charged a certain amount.  That way, everyone would be paying their share of the updates and changes that are needed.  Even though people are calling short-term rentals  personal home, they are businesses.  A business should pay their share of taxes. 

There is a financial burden on the city.  More taxes must be put in place.  We need to utilize what funds can be obtained to keep the City in the black.

It was noted that this year is the last year the City will receive Redevelopment Money.  It is about $100,000.  It was suggested that this money should be used for repairing the sidewalks along in front of the Church.  The trees there have really pushed up and cracked the sidewalks.  The sidewalks should also be about 5’ wide—more like the bike path in that area.

Another suggestion was to use the money to get the street lights back up and useable.  There are about 28 to 30 of the lights that need to be fixed.

Another suggestion was to put some bike racks in areas of the Town.  They could be placed in the parking lot next to the Church, next to some of the business near 200 North, and some even along the bike path itself.

The meeting was adjourned.

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