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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Town Council reports

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah.   February 21, 2019.  Garden City Councilwoman, Pat Argyle,  said that work is moving forward at Heritage Park.  It will be ready for Raspberry Days.  She reported that the stage at the park will be ready in time for programs on Raspberry Days.  Everything for that activity is moving along smoothly. 

Pat Argyle reported that John Lee will be creating a web site for Raspberry Days.  He will do it without any charge.  He will make a mock up one first and allow any of the City Council Members to check it out and make suggestions before the final page is completed.

Argyle noted that Easter is coming.  She will be working with the Office Staff on this holiday and the Easter Egg Hunt.

Councilman Howard Pope said that there have been some problems with closing the pool before closing time.  He reported that the pool must remain open until closing time.  It might be all right to close it maybe 10 minutes early if no one has come in before that time.  Ten Minutes wouldn’t allow someone to change clothes and get into the pool before it was time to lock the doors.  Otherwise, it will remain open the full time advertised.

There is a new boiler in the pool area.  Everything has been installed and up to code.

Councilman Darrin Pugmire thanked the road crews for keeping the roads in good condition during this winter season.  They are keeping roads in good repair and are also keeping them clear of snow.

Hodges Canyon Road will need some work this coming spring.  There is a culvert that needs to be taken care of.  It either needs some wings on each side, or work with Mecham to perhaps make an extension to take out some of the bend in the road

Bids are out to get the trees removed along Kimball Lane.  It has not been easy to get  an individual who will take down the trees when the electricity goes right along by the trees. The City will then try and get the road up to the required 60-feet width for this Lane.

Pugmire reported that property owners on Third West on the north side are willing to donate some property for north and south power lines.   He  noted that Sweetwater Hill should begin helping Garden City for Roads such as Kimball Lane.  They are the individuals using those roads.  The City has been taking care of them.  Those folks could perhaps help in several different ways that will make it easier to upgrade and assist them in getting in and out of their area.  The City has no obligation in doing anything above the trail head.  Sweetwater could easily take care of their roads.  The County should also help with roads in that area.

Councilman Ken Hansen reported that the library needs funds to improve their computer area.  Rhonda Menlove, Library Chair,  asked if the Library Board could contact some of the people who have summer homes here to help with this issue.  She also asked if they could write a grant to get more funding for computers.  The Council wants to let them go ahead and do as much as they can to handle this problem.  The Library Board also asked that the computers be checked and worked on every quarter.  Hopefully, this will be done.

Mayor Mike Leonhardt noted that the City may consider putting in some charging stations on the parking lot next to the Church for electric cars.  The City may try and get some money from the parks and some businesses to carry out this suggestion.  He asked that this item be placed on next month’s agenda.

The Mayor is currently on the BRAG Board as the Vice Chairman.  He will be the president of this organization next year. 

There are efforts being made to get a run-away ramp on the top of Logan Canyon.  It looks like the soonest it will happen would be 2020.  There is also the possibility of creating a break check area.  It could be just an extra lane where trucks could pull over and check their brakes.  The State is also looking at making an escape ramp—that would be probably be between the Storage area and the Chevron Station.  Some signage has been put along the road coming down from the top.  However, there should be signage all the way through Logan Canyon so that trucks have a better knowledge before they get to the top of the Canyon.  Laketown Canyon is also a problem that needs greater signage.

UDOT will be doing a lot of road work in Logan Canyon this coming summer.  The following summer, they are planning on redoing the road from Tony Grove to Garden City and on to the Utah/Idaho state line.

The City will probably get a cross walk this spring on First West.  In 2020, money will be available for a stop light at the corner.

There are several bills currently in the legislature concerning protecting water rights.  Logan is concerned, and Rich County also needs to investigate water rights and make sure everything is updated and correct.  There is currently a lot of interest in resolutions about water rights, and there are several areas that are attempting to get more water.

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