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Sunday, June 9, 2019

Long Hollow Wind Farms near Woodruff to be built

Bobbie Bicknell Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah.  June 5, 2019.  Long Hollow Wind Farms will build a wind farm west of Woodruff, Utah and south of Highway 89. 

Aron Branam, representing EDP Renewables, said that the company, founded in 2000, has developed wind farms throughout the country.  They have 500 employees and are producing approximately 6,000 mg watts in the USA and Canada.   The Wind Farm will interconnect with Pacific Corps creating 8 to 10 megawatts of electrical power.  They will tie into the high voltage power lines.  The company has been working on this site for two years.

They have purchased two towers which have been installed.  The target date for full installation will be 2021. There will be 18 to 23 wind turbines on ridge tops.  EDP has done environmental studies on the site since 2018 and has applied for a county conditional use permit.  Wildlife studies have been done for the last twelve months including one for endangered species.  Future studies will include activity monitoring, wild life and big game species observation.  The project needs a conditional use permit and want to start the process. 
He outlined the economic benefits.  There will be approximately 150 to 200 temporary construction jobs.  Three to five full time jobs at $50,000 each plus service jobs.  Branam said that there will be tax benefits of $10 million over 30 years.  Commissioner Bill Cox cautioned that in his experience large tax revenues were promised, but that the companies then appealed to the State Tax Commission for abatement and that in reality it would be a very small amount.  Branam said that they would do what they had done in other counties so that they would be on a level playing field.

Rich County has some of the best wind resources in Utah.  There is a tax benefit to companies building wind farms which is lost in 2022, so they need to be finished by then or lose their tax advantage.  Solar will still have their production tax credit.

They have met with BLM for right of way access but asked the county to work with BLM because if the county were to ask the BLM the cost to the company would be less expensive.  

Commissioner Norm Weston asked how they plan on getting to wind towers in winter.  The company will plow the upgraded roads they are building.  Cox said that wind blowing snow on road will impede road and they will have to use SnowCats to get in. 

The wildlife habitat will be improved through reseeding projects. The upgraded road will make it better for the ranchers on the road and the general public.  The company will build and maintain the road.

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