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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Pickleville Philosophy

By Jim Stone, The Pickleville Philosopher

Oh my goodness I’m in turmoil right now.

You guys know how rumors are spread. 

Sometimes rumors are just rumors.  Sometimes we believe them, but maybe sometimes we don’t.

Well dang, I heard a rumor today. The rumor was that when we all help people feel good about themselves, boom, all of a sudden there is a big contagious smile.

It’s easy to give a compliment to someone, like you’re wonderful, you look beautiful, congratulations on your accomplishments. You’re an amazing person, best mom and dad in the world or I’m proud of you!

You know you guys it’s just giving a boost or kind thought or a few kind words just letting that person know we care about them and their well-being and happiness. Speaking for myself, I never ask for a pat on my back. But it’s so nice and makes all of us feel whole and better when there are kind thoughts and words involved. It’s just really nice.

So I’m gonna have to spread the rumor. I think that this rumor is true.
Here comes the rumor. It’s a big smile and a lot of laughter like uncontrollable laughter. When we all laugh and smile we are happy and our happiness becomes contagious and spreads big smiles to everyone.

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