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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Rich County School Board Meeting in August

Kathie B. Anderson, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah. August 20, 2019. The Rich County School District Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting.   Rich High School Principal, Rick Larsen, introduced his new employees and their families to the Board:  Jared Davis, his wife Haley, and four children.   Jared will teach welding, auto mechanics, carpentry, and all vocational classes.  Jared and Haley reside in Randolph, Utah.  Travis Eborn, his wife Lindsay, and four children.  Travis will teach the business and computer classes.  He is taking over Logan Davis’ position.    Travis and his wife reside in Snow Meadows Subdivision in Garden City, Utah.  Travis previously taught in Cache Valley for many years.   Danelle Wasden, her husband Dustin, and five children.  Danelle will teach special education at the high school.  Danelle and Dustin live just outside of Randolph, Utah. Lacey Morse, her husband Dusty, and four children.  Lacey is filling the vacated position of Carrie Pugmire and will teach nursing, CNT, EMT, and pharmacology.  Because it is an Outreach Program, Rich High School will pilot the only EMT Program in Utah.    Lacey and Dusty reside in Randolph, Utah.  Principal Larsen expressed his enthusiasm in being able to have some of the best and brightest former Rich High students come back and teach at the school.

Policy 604.2 (Extra Duty Pay) was discussed.  A motion to approve the Policy was unanimously approved by the Board.

A motion to accept Ty Tingey as the new girls’ basketball team assistant coach for Rich High School was approved unanimously. Former Coach McKee’s resignation was accepted with a vote of thanks by the Board.

Policy HB 391 (Code of Conduct/Appropriate Behavior Policy was adopted.  All of the basics of HB 391 were presented at the Opening Institute of the school district.  All who attended were required to sign a form regarding this policy.  All new staff will be required to complete this training within ten days of being hired.

 Scott Christopher from Utah County was the “kick- off” speaker for the Opening Institute.  Christopher ‘s talk dealt with happiness and finding ways to be happy.  Those in attendance felt he was motivating, and was an excellent speaker for the Opening Institute.  Many teachers gave positive feedback.  School Board Member, Cyndi Caldwell, did a very professional job speaking on behalf of the Board.

The Rich Rodeo Club received a donation of $100.00 from the Rich County School District Board.

 Richard Limb, Physical Plant Director, reported on the progress of building projects, and provided the updates.  Forty- five yards of concrete have been put in the ground in an encased sleeve.    Sod has been an issue.  It settled about 12 to 28 inches.   Limb is still working out issues with the sod.   If the propane tanks were buried it would save the District quite a bit of money.  New tanks would be costly to begin with, but they would pay for themselves within a couple of years.   Limb will do more research and provide information to the Board.  He will also try to salvage the old propane tank.  The Board will make a decision by next month.   While digging, a plastic line with steel wrapping around it was found. It was old and nothing came out of it, Limb stated that every day, there is a mystery in every scoop!   Limb is working with the foreman every day so the work can be completed before the ground freezes.  Students have been really good about not going into construction zones.    Summer projects are on schedule. New door handles that are ADA compliant  are being installed.   Work is also progressing on the PA system that is being incorporated into the building.    Limb said a 10 foot by 20 foot shed just outside Bridgerland Technical College is for sale.  It is almost all tin, and not quite finished. 

Davis would like to salvage the wood out of the welding mechanical part of the building.    Right now, it is not a healthy or safe environment to work. As of now, the wood will be placed at the District office.   There is a plan this year for the students to build little cabins that will be totally self- sufficient.  This project will give the students experience in all aspects of building.  Principal Larsen said that a local buyer may be interested in buying them. 

A closed executive session was called "student concerns".

The September School Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 17, 2019, at 6:00 p.m.

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