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Friday, September 13, 2019

Garden City Planning Commission

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah. September 5, 2019. The Planning Commission Meeting began at 5:00 p.m.  After the approval of last month’s minutes, Norm Mecham was called to the table to discuss his plans for new restrooms at Bluewater Beach.  It was stated that the parking was good, the architectural standards had been followed, the setbacks were within the City’s ordinance and so forth.  It was noted that enough space had been left that small changes could be made and still be within the City’s requirements.  A motion was made and carried to allow the building of the new restrooms at Bluewater Beach. 

A discussion was held concerning Ordinance #11B-200.  Currently there are some areas that are not clear or easy to understand.  The members of the Planning Commission discussed this Ordinance and made several changes that should make this Ordinance easier to understand for everyone.

One problem was the number and size of the plats that are submitted to the Commission.  It was noted that full sets of the project being presented needs to be submitted—the smallest being 11” x 17” unless larger project such as PUDs and Subdivisions are being presented.  These larger projects should provide the larger sets that are 24” x 36”.    All plans should be presented to the City 14 days before the meeting so that the secretary will be able to get the information to the Commission Members at least ten days prior to the regular meeting. 

All projects must meet the ordinance requirements.  If it is a preliminary plan, it still should contain all the necessary items required.  When everything is in place, the final will be presented.  No changes can be made after the final has been passed.  If the plan is not followed, changes must be left off or a new preliminary will be required.  The project will not be accepted if any changes are made after the final was accepted by the Commission.

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