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Sunday, October 6, 2019

Garden City Fire Department to raise taxes

Leonard O’Reilly, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah. October 2, 2019. The Garden City Fire District (GCFD) Public Hearing for a tax increase was opened at 6:00 PM. GFCD Chair Randall Knight gave a brief background on how the board came to the realization they needed to increase the tax base to purchase needed fire trucks in order to meet the current and future fire department service needs.

Because the Utah Code does NOT allow residential impact fees to purchase fire suppression vehicles a reliable source of income was needed now to upgrade the old fire trucks in the fleet.  The fire station extension is being built to provide shelter from the weather for the newer equipment like a ladder truck and engine.  The new bay was designed to store four trucks.

About 15 citizens were in attendance and a very lively conversation ensued. There was criticism of increase in taxes which was countered that the average increase was approximately $10. Others wondered if the increase was justified until they heard all that the department needs for equipment to keep abreast with the community that has grown extraordinarily in recent years and shows no sign of slowing down. Mostly newer used vehicles will be needed. After a good back and forth conversation, it was agreed that the funds were needed and the department was thanked for serving the community so well.

Also discussed was the need for having the boat. It was pointed out that besides being ready for fighting fire on boats in the marina and on the lake, it has been equipped for handling medical emergencies as well as rescues. Public questions focused on why the fire department was providing the service.  The fire chief said the coast guard and DNR do not have fire support in their job description.  So because the people using the marina and lake pay taxes the Boards have felt it is GCFD’s responsibility to provide the service to the estimated $1 million worth of boats and thousands of people on the lake.

The fire chief said four lives were saved the first day it was put in the water and eight others since that first day.

Chief Wahlberg gave a report concerning getting the construction finished. He reported that it has been difficult to get the various trades to accomplish the work needing to be done in the right order. Mayor Leonhardt offered that if siding isn’t done in three weeks, he would like to call for a “barn raising” project to finish that phase and Ken Hanson also stated that he had people that could help.

No other business was discussed other than stating the following responses:

7 - Medical calls
2 - Fire calls
1 - Carbon monoxide call

1 comment:

Mike Wahlberg said...

I wish to thank those that attended. I also wish to clarify an error in the article. The boat and marina value amount to over 13 million as I have been told, not 1 billion. The actual property values that we protect in the fire district exceed 1 billion dollars in structures and that is where I believe the mistake was made.